Monday, March 25, 2013

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!

With SCOTUS taking up oral arguments in the Perry v Hollingsworth Prop8 case tomorrow and the Windsor v US DOMA case on Wednesday, Marriage Equality was the hot topic on yesterday's TV News/Talk shows.  I have some relevant clips  for you today from CBS where Evan Wolfson schools Tony Perkins mercilessly.  Then on Fox, a pro Equality GOP strategist takes down a Evangelical wing nut.  Then from CNN, there is the California Attorney General eloquently making the case for the overturn of Prop 8.  In an additional clip, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz politely told shareholder Tom Strobhar to fuck off with his bigoted bull shit sell his shares if he's disappointed with the company's support for Marriage Equality.  His eloquence was rewarded with thunderous applause from the other shareholders.  It should be an exciting couple of days with lots of blathering about the airwaves by anyone and everyone on both sides of the fence.  I will keep you informed of the latest developments and my opinion/analysis of whatever happens. 

Your Musical Moment for today once again features music Jean-Marie Leclair.  The play list today encompasses his complete Flute Sonata repertoire (which can be found here) performed on period instruments by Barthold Kuijken on Flute and Robert Kohnen on Harpsichord.  Following the play list is this week's collection of marvelously muscly men scantily clad in their Monday's Undies for you to cruise and peruse on your scroll down the page.  Thanks for spending part of your Monday here at Nichevo, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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