Saturday, March 23, 2013

Best of the Web This Week


I had to work last night, thus this post is a bit later than usual.  Being Friday truck night, of course things got a bit wild and crazy around the store.  Both trucks were late and arrived almost simultaneously between 2 and 3 AM.  This gave the signal in the neighborhood for every drunk, druggie, ho, pimp and mentally deranged lunatic to go into attack mode and pay us a visit.  We did manage to muddle through and get it all done by 6, however I was worn to a frazzle by that time.  Nevertheless, I persevered in putting this thing together, working steadily but nodding off from time to time.  So I decided to take a bit of a power nap which delayed post time even more.  However, given the wealth of material with which to work, it was going to take a bit longer to get together for posting anyway.  I started out with over 1900 photographs, almost double the usual number, among them some truly outstanding photographs.  I tried to be as selective as possible to present you with only the most exceptional of photographs, a most daunting yet enjoyable task that resulted in the 160 photographs on display for your review.  Each photograph is a work of art in and of itself which should make a lingering scroll down the page for careful examination seem to be the order of the day.  I think you will agree that the resulting artwork on display is well worth the wait for its arrival on your monitor.

To accompany your cruise and peruse, your Musical Moment for today features the Baroque Music of Bologna from the CD by the St James Baroque Players and conductor Ivor Bolton.  The CD encompasses works from Giuseppe Torelli, Petronio Franceschini, Giuseppe Maria Jacchini and Domenico Gabrielli.  The complete play list and additional information can be found here.  Thanks for spending part of your weekend here at Nichevo, see you again on Monday.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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