This year is rapidly coming to a close. This being New Years Eve and all, we have one last chance to do or say something in 2014. As if you did not already know, I am a tremendous sports fan and am passionate about the NFL and especially my Dallas Cowboys. My last look back at 2014 involves two sides of the same coin in the biggest sports story of the year. I just so happens that the story comes out of the NFL and my Cowboys play a part in it. Yesterday, Outsports announced its final two 2014 year end awards, both of which reflect the two sides of the NFL coin. Let's start with the good side of the coin before we get to the bad and ugly on the other side.
Outsports announced Michael Sam as their Person of the Year. No other person or story rocked the news pages as well as the sports pages like the story of Michael Sam. Michael, who after successfully completing his Senior season at Missouri as SEC Co-Defensive Player of the Year came out publicly simultaneously in the New York Times, the ESPN Sports Network and Outsports. This set in motion the drama that is continuing to this day. Michael was drafted by the St Louis Rams, but not until almost the end of the last round, far further down than someone of his talents and pedigree should have. Ultimately the Rams cut Michael as if anything the Rams are knee deep in high cotton when it comes to defensive lineman. So the cut was understandable on that factor.
This is where the Cowboys come in. The Cowboys, a few days after Michael was cut by the Rams, signed him to their Practice Squad. Michael worked hard to improve his skills and did not prove to be any distraction in the locker room, on or off the field. Unfortunately, Michael was never called up from the Practice Squad, has since been released by the Cowboys and is currently out of football. Michael still retains the dream of playing in the NFL and is actively working towards that goal. He also does not believe it is solely his skill set that has him as the only NFL rookie with a similar pedigree without a spot on a team. Neither do I. While I do not believe my Cowboys to be homophobic and that Michael could have contributed on the defense this year, the powers that be were working behind the scenes to limit the amount of history that Michael was going to make this year and that was not to include an appearance in a regular season game. As much progress as has been made in pro sports in general and the NFL in particular, we still have a long way to go. No matter how far that journey takes us, Michael Sam's place in NFL and LGBT history is already set in stone. Let's hope he can add to the story in the very near future.
The other side of the NFL coin was personified by Outsports Asshole of the Year. I could not agree with their selection former NFL head coach and current NBC NFL Analyst Tony Dungy more. Dungy's vociferous homophobic rants in the wake of Michael Sam's coming out were based on the Evangelical Christian Handbook of Homophobia. Dungy was also the public face of the Old School NFL cadre whose morality was always based more on money than morals. It is a shame that those such as Dungy and his backward thinking should continue to have so great a public forum to spout dreck and drivel about persons or things of which he has no genuine knowledge. Dungy is unapologetic and recalcitrant in his homophobia and so richly deserves the moniker Asshole of the Year.
For your final Musical Moment of 2014, I have chosen the Quartet for Violin, Viola and 2 Cellos in A Major by Russian Pianist, Composer and Music Professor Anton Arensky. Today performance is by the Music Department of Stony Brook University represented by Soovin Kim, Violin; Nicholas Cords, Viola; Saeunn Thorsteinsdottir, Cello and Colin Carr, Cello. You may also hear Arensky's Piano Trio Number 1 in D Minor performed by the Beaux Arts Trio over on my tumblr.
I have some super hot selections for this years final Wet Wednesday collection full of svelte studs scurrying about the beaches and pools or steaming up the showers of the world around us. These guys will make you want to take your clothes off and get wet all over right along with them. You will find them awaiting your perusal below the video. Then if your thirst for wonderful wetness still abounds, try slaking it a bit with the Macho Mojito Hottie of the Day! over on my tumblr. Thanks for a great year, join me again tomorrow as we begin another year's journey that is Nichevo. Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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