Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Doomsday For DOMA

 Yesterday was certainly as momentous in its execution as one could hope it to be.  The attorneys for our side made their points to the Justices who asked lots of profound questions of both our attorneys and the attorney for the opposition who basically fumbled around was not very convincing in his arguments.  He also could not give any good proof other than a general animus towards LGBT people as a just cause for Prop 8.  Outside the court there were massive demonstrations for the support of Marriage Equality that vastly out numbered and overshadowed Maggie and her 'March for Marriage' that was not very well attended and really bored even those interested in her bigoted point of view.  Everyone and his brother on radio, television or in print had something to say about the proceedings and you could spend hours listening to it all.  As usual, was on top of everything from SCOTUSblog's initial analysis, to our attorneys' press conference after the arguments.  Then after's legal eagle Ari Ezra Waldman had a chance to digest the oral arguments, he gave his usual well thought out analysis posted in two parts, part one here and part two here.  You can also find Buzz Feed's 60 best signs from the demonstrations he  If you would like to listen to the proceedings for yourself, SCOTUS released audio yesterday afternoon and I have it posted right below this paragraph:

As for today, SCOTUS takes up the oral arguments in the Windsor v US DOMA case.  They are taking two hours of testimony rather than the just one they gave Prop 8 yesterday. I don't think Boehner and BLAG have any more leg to stand on than the Prop 8 proponents.  That leg being the illogical and discriminatory animus towards us LGBT folks.  I will have the audio posted as soon as it becomes available over at Nichevo @ Tumblr and here in tomorrow's post.  Once these oral arguments are over and done with, then we have to wait most likely until late June before the SCOTUS ruling is announced to the public.  Never fear though, there will be millions of words produced between now and them with everyone trying to out guess the court and its members. I shall of course keep you posted on all the latest development as they come up between now and then.  Let's just hope all this hullabaloo will truly spell Doomsday for DOMA and all those committed LGBT couples will be granted not only the right to marry the person of their choice but also Federal recognition of those marriages as legal, valid and worthy of the same benefits and features granted by rote to heterosexual couples simply for tying the marriage knot.  I did not think I would ever see this in my lifetime, but it is surely sweet to see all the hard work has indeed paid off and we are gaining ground towards equality in leaps and bounds instead of inch by inch.  There will be more demonstrations of support today which I am sure will overshadow anything Maggie of the Bigoted Bullshit might be able to come up with.  We will all wait with bated breath for the outcome which, no matter what happens, we will finally be quite a few steps closer to Equality under the Law for all of us of the queer persuasion. 

Your Musical Moment for today features the Works for Lute and Chitarrone by the German-Italian Lute Virtuoso and Composer of the early Baroque period, Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger with a performance by Francesco Romano on Lute and Chitarrone.  Immediately following your Musical Moment is the debut of another new eye candy theme, Jox and Cox.  I know you know what jocks are and I would hope that you are at least passingly familiar with cocks.  If not, immediately retake homo 101 at your local bath house.  I am sure there will be someone willing to give you a lesson or two.  The criteria for this theme are photographs depicting athletes, athletic endeavors or the allusion to sports participation,  photographs of men in that universal piece of athletic equipment the jock strap and/or photographs of men with cocks worthy of notice.  I think you will be well pleased with this premier collection of Jox and Cox as you scroll down the page.  Thanks for spending part of your Hump Day here at Nichevo, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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