Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hope, Joy and Justice

If you were elated over the seeming success of the Prop 8 arguments on Tuesday, as was I.  Then you should be bubbling forth like an over active volcano over yesterday's proceedings in the Windsor v US DOMA hearing before SCOTUS.  Our opponents could not come up with a rationale for the purpose os Section 3 other than an animus for and discrimination against the LGBT community.  This clearly violates our civil rights under the provisions of the 14th Amendment for Equal Protection Under the Law.  For this reason alone could the court overturn DOMA, declaring it to be unconstitutional.  While we will not know the results until SCOTUS announces its ruling sometime in June, the overwhelming consensus of those with far more expertise than I of all things SCOTUS is that the Justices will indeed declare Section 3 of DOMA to be decidedly unconstitutional.  As he did with the Prop 8 arguments on Tuesday,'s legal eagle, Ari Ezra Waldman gives us his considered analysis of Wednesday's proceedings in two parts.   You can find part one here and part two here.  As with the Prop 8 arguments, I have posted the audio  below along with a trancript of the audio, so that you may listen or read them for yourselves:

If as expected, SCOTUS strikes down both Prop 8 and DOMA, then we can then join the ranks of first class citizens of the country we all know and love, giving us the justice we deserve.  While a ruling in our favor will not automatically rid us of marginalization and discrimination, we will then have many more tools at hand with which to fight the good fight against those forces of evil that would deny us our humanity and civil rights to live our lives in peace.  I just hope our opponents in the Family oriented groups and individuals do not die of apoplexy in the streets when they realize just how resoundingly they have been defeated.  Although I do think it would be most entertaining to watch that bigoted and blathering bitch, Maggie Gallagher, as she melted into a smelly puddle of goo like the wicked witch of the west that she is.  Likewise watching AFA's Bryan Fischer implode from the sheer stupidity of his arguments is something I would pay to see.  

Your Musical Moment for today features Overtures, Sonatas and Concertos, Volume 5 by Georg Philipp Telemann from this CD where you will also find the complete play list. Today's performance is by Musica Alta Ripa

We close out today's post with the premiere of another new eye candy theme.  As a Navy veteran and sailing enthusiast, most things involving bodies of water great and small are of interest to me.  More so as a connoisseur of the art of the male form, the addition of cool water to a smoking hot body certainly enhances the inherent steamy sensuality and sexiness of the the gentlemen depicted in photographs such as the ones below in this collection of Wet.  Thank you for spending part of your day here at Nichevo.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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