Monday, November 05, 2012

Election Eve

Tomorrow is finally election day and IMHO it is the most important election in my lifetime.  I say this because never before has the choice been more clear nor has there ever been as many openly LGBT candidates on the ballot.  There are 180 openly LGBT folks on the various ballots around the country, 7 in the US House of Representatives and 1 in the US Senate and 172 in various state and local offices.  We have a sitting President who has done more for LGBT Equality than any other and he is the only sitting President to endorse Marriage Equality.  There is Marriage Equality on the ballot in Maine, Maryland and Washington State and that odious constitutional amendment we hope to defeat in Minnesota.  We have an unprecedented  opportunity to take a Giant Leap Forward as far as LGBT Equality and representation is concerned.  We may just get that Giant Voice at the political table.  It is Imperative to re-elect the President and vote as many voices into office as we can.  I hate to think what would happen if Mr Romney wins his bid for the Presidency, but I can offer this prognostication that is pretty spot on.  Civil Rights would be catapulted back into the 18th Century where women and minorities were so much chattel to be bartered, bought and sold.  The President would take his marching orders from the "Divine Prophet" in Salt Lake City while kissing the ass of all the Wall Street Insiders and Billionaires who bought the office for him.  Women would have no right to dominion over their own bodies, LGBT folks would be safer in the closet or maybe even dead.  We would become a Mormon Theocracy with a war crazed foreign policy that would further tank the economy and the rich boys would cart the money they stole from the middle class and ship it overseas to avoid taxation.  President Romney would grin moronically while screwing most of us into the ground and peeing on the grave.  If you live in the US it is your right, your duty and your privilege to cast your vote as your conscious dictates, I would hope that most of you would be rational enough to follow your hearts and minds, seeing your way clear to re-elect the President and elect as many LGBT candidates as we can.  Like I said the choices are clear, let your voices be heard loud and clear from coast to coast and border to border.  Vote like your life depends upon it because it does!

I will get off my soap box now.  In sports news, the Atlanta Falcons remained the NFL's only unbeaten team by edging the Dallas Cowboys last night at the Georgia Dome 19-13.  I saw the first 3 quarters before I had to go to work and it was tied 6-all.  The fourth quarter began as I walked out the door and Atlanta  scored a touchdown before I got to my car and turned the radio to the game.  The Falcons played some ball control football, scoring two more field goals to the Cowboys lone Touchdown, game, set, match to the Falcons.   The good news from the game is the Cowboys did not turn the ball over even once, however the missed opportunities to score Touchdowns instead of the Field Goals we got and the dropped passes that could have kept drives alive combined to help the Cowboys beat themselves once again.  Atlanta goes to 8-0, Dallas falls to 3-5 and mid season seems to be mired in misery for the Cowboys. 

Now to lift your spirits I have a great play list for your listening pleasure.  The play list contains three pieces by Johann Nepomuk Hummel. The first piece is the Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano in A Major, Opus 78 with a performance by the Chinook Trio; next up is the Fantasie in G Minor for Viola and Orchestra, Opus 94 with a performance by Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jan Koetsier featuring Franz Shessl on Solo Viola; completing the set is the Grand Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra with a performance by the Stavanger Radio Orchestra conducted by Frank Shipway featuring Robert Ronnes on Solo Bassoon with cadenzas written by Robert Ronnes.  Following the play list is this week's collection of lithesome lads lounging about in the finest Monday's Undies for your visual appreciation.  Thanks for stopping in, see you tomorrow, be sure to vote if you have not already in the early balloting process.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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