Thursday, October 04, 2012

Where's the Love?

In keeping with the spirit of Anti-Bullying Month and Spirit Day, I went ahead and dressed the blog  in Purple for People to show my support for the cause.  Part of the reason for that is this story out of the small town of Clarendon, Texas where a pastor placed a hate filled advertisement in the local paper about the "homosexual agenda" a couple of weeks ago.  This week, a Gay couple in Clarendon awoke to find "Move or Die Fags" spray painted on their porch.  The couple has also noticed a considerably more hostile attitude towards them since the advertisement ran.  You can see their video interview by clicking here.  It is a shame that in Texas it is still better to discriminate against LGBT's and people of color than accepting and respecting them like you would anyone else.  While we are on the subject of hate filled actions in the guise of 'christian love',  this story in the Portland Press Herald, where the battle for Marriage Equality is on the ballot in November, reveals that NOM is still up to its underhanded methods.  Although NOM's latest appeal to the US Supreme Court was refused by the court, the organization is still trying to hide who is bankrolling their hateful, homophobic agenda to deny Equality to LGBT folks.  My two best guesses would be 'someone' in Salt Lake City or some organization associated with conservative Catholic causes.  Whatever happened to God Is Love?

This week also marks the 14th anniversary of the murder of Matthew Shepard.  His mother, Judy Shepard, has written a moving remembrance in the Speak Out column of the Out Front Colorado magazine.  I was living in Fort Collins, where Matthew died from his injuries at Poudre Valley Hospital, at the time.  This event propelled me into active participation in the efforts for Equality wherever I have been.  Like the Fort Worth City Councilman, I also ask "How many more Gay people have to die before the world realizes that God made us and wants us to be here?".   

For your entertainment today I have a live recording of Piano Concerto Number 2 , Opus 19 by Ludwig von Beethoven and Nocturne, Opus 32, Number 1 by Frederic Chopin performed by the Radio Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Frans Bruggen with Piano Soloist Arthur Jussen.  Recorded at the Sunday Morning Concert at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam on September 23, 2012.  The video is followed by this week's salute to denim dynamite with this collection of Men In Jeans.  Thanks for the visit, see you tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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