Wednesday, October 03, 2012

October Is Jam Packed

Wow, October is just beginning, yet it is jam packed full of things and activities that are relevant to all of us in our community.  October is not only LGBT History Month, it is also Breast Cancer Awareness  Month and Anti Bullying Month with the week of Oct 15-19 set aside for GLSEN's Ally Week to celebrate those allied with us, culminating in Spirit Day on Oct 19.  Spirit Day is the day to wear Purple for People as a sign of support for those that are or have been bullied.  Speaking of Allies, there is a excellent story on written by Cyd Zeigler of about the Minnesota Viking's Punter.  Chris Klewe: Kick Ass will give you some insight to the man who has become my favorite NFL Ally along with some hot shirtless pics that I am sure you will like also.  Good Looking, Eloquent and an Ally, what's not to like?  Now I realize that LGBT people are not the only ones being bullied in this world, however I have a video that has gone viral about one lady in the media's standing up to a bully.  WKBT anchor Jennifer Livingston took a moment during Tuesday's morning newscast (Oct. 2, 2012) to directly address a recent email she received from a viewer complaining about her weight.  Even Ellen Degeneres tweeted this video to her million plus followers and invited Jennifer to appear on her popular afternoon talk show.  I loved the video and I think you will also. 

While we are on the subject of bullying, Winona State University is standing up to those on the far right by refusing to apologize for sponsoring an appearance by Dan Savage who is under attack for a statement he made during that appearance: "Every dead Gay kid is a victory for the Family Research Council".  The FRC is of course headed up by that seriously homophobic Tony  Perkins who as Dan says "tells the parents of queer kids to do what Tony Perkins damn well knows drives those kids to suicide" .  Click on the link to read about the brouhaha and see that video for yourself.

I also received an email from my friend, Elliot London, with an update on the Friend Project.  The press release reads as follows:

(LOS ANGELES - OCT. 2, 2012) - It's no doubt difficult being a teenager in today's society, especially a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered teen.
But through it all, having strong allies and friends does tend to make it easier.

Once a victim of childhood bullying and homophobia himself, film director Elliot London (The Wedding Dance) has embarked today on an empowering and eye-opening campaign across America, hoping to bring awareness to the plight of LGBT youth bullying, and the importance of support systems.

The "Friend Project" is a new campaign showcasing two separate, yet thematically connected digital vignettes from two teenagers in different parts of rural America sharing their raw and tear-jerking stories of growing up gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered in the conservative heartland of America.

Starting today, each week for the next two weeks, London will share a new video with the public, with the ultimate goal of bringing these stories and others to life through an upcoming feature film entitled Friend.

In a completely hands-on and hybrid approach, both teenagers are also acting as creative liaisons on the project, having helped integrate their own life stories into the script.

"It's a film that will bring the narrative and the reality into one," says London. "We will be integrating a point of view from real life teenage experiences, rather than from a room of writers in Hollywood."

He continues, "It's so important that we continue to support and foster true independent American cinema. Unlike many other influential nations, we do not have the luxury of much government funding, grants and support they do for indie cinema, especially in a niche market."

In the first film, viewers will get to meet Joseph, a timid, yet courageous 16-year-old boy from Tennessee who once thought suicide was the only way out from the pain and torment that bullying carved into his impressionable young soul.

Anyone interested in becoming a part of Friend is encouraged to visit the project's IndieGoGo campaign page at All donations are tax-deductible, as this film is being supported through Fractured Atlas, a registered 501(c)3. 
The first video Elliot talks about is just below this paragraph, be sure to have some tissue handy, as Joseph will tug at your heart strings.  It literally brought tears to my eyes in some parts as Joseph shares his pain and his courage when coming out openly gay as a teen living in Tennessee.  Elliot tells of his first meeting with Joseph: "I met Joseph outside of Knoxville for an on camera interview. The moment I left, I could not get him out of my mind. He told me his story with such innocence that I knew that he needed to present it to the world. To show teens that it is ok to be who you are."  Watch the video and if you can, befriend the Friend Project at  

I know I have been fairly verbose today, but there is so much going on that I just could not help myself.  Just one more thing before we get to the music and the men.  Tonight is the first Presidential Debate between Mitt Romney (boo, hiss!!) and President Obama (thunderous applause!!!) moderated by Jim Lehrer and carried on most of your local PBS stations and other outlets at 8 PM Texas Time.  I will be watching, how about you?

Finally for today I have a play list that contains a classic performance by the Amadeus Quartet plus Cecil Aronowitz on Viola, filmed in London in June 1966 performing String Quintet Number 3 in G Minor, K516, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.  Immediately following the play list is a wonderful collection of lusciously Lickable Lads for your visual appreciation.  That's a wrap for today, thanks for stopping by and we will see you tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

(anyone wanna help Marlon out?)

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