Friday, October 26, 2012

The Genius of Mozart, Part 3

I am in a bit of a funk this morning.   The water main that feeds my apartment building seems to have developed a massive leak and they turned the water off yesterday afternoon and have yet to turn it back on.  This makes a couple of things a bit more difficult.  Things like bathing, washing the dishes, cooking, even going to use the facilities is verboten unless you really want to muck up the works or pollute the air in the apartment.  I had to go down to the store to answer nature's call just a while ago which is a ginormous pain in the ass at 4 AM.  I did not need water to prepare dinner last night, but I have all the dirty dishes, pots and pans cluttering up the kitchen now because there is no water.  Dinner, where I fixed the Bacon Cheeseburger roll-up I told you about yesterday, did turn out to be quite delicious although a bit more involved a process than what I would want to prepare on a work day.  I modified the recipe using cheddar-jack instead of Velveeta and sprinkled the  top with Parmesan as I mentioned I would getting the expected delicious results.  That still leaves me with the mess to clean up.  Hopefully they will get that fixed before too long this morning and I can return my kitchen to its normal state of cleanliness.  

Another event has added to my funk this morning.  I got a friend request on facebook so I checked his profile, which seemed innocuous enough, so I confirmed his request.  While I was running through my news feeds there, this supposed young man began a chat session.  At first he was writing in Tagolog, the language of the Philippine Islands where he claimed he was from.  In our dialogue back and forth he asked me if I had family, which of course I do, but he wanted to know if I had a wife and kids.  Now it is fairly obvious from my profile that I am a Gay man which caused some suspicion to be aroused.  I explained to him that I had always been Gay, had not married because it would be pointless as a Gay man to do so just to conform to society and in Texas it is still illegal to marry a man.  He then asked if I really was a Gay man to which I answered 'oh, most definitely, always and forever'.  I asked him what kind of work he did as he had questioned me about my employment at 7-Eleven.  He said he was still in school and did not have a job.  He then said he had a problem and wondered if I could help him.  I said if it was within my power to do so, I was not averse to providing a helping hand to a young person, usually in a counseling role or aiding their acquisition of knowledge.  He then told me he was studying architecture, his tuition was due tomorrow and would I send him money to pay for it.  At that moment, I knew that this was just another form of scam.  I mean who in their right minds would, within an hour of introducing yourself to someone online and half a world away, ask them to pay their college tuition.  Never mind the fact that it is the middle of the school year, not the beginning, and tomorrow is Saturday usually meaning all administrative offices at a college are closed.  I told him that I live week to week, that supporting Will and I was about all I could afford and that there was no money left after paying the bills and putting food on the table.  He said it was 'shameful' for me to tell him that to which I replied, I have no shame in telling you I am not a wealthy man.  I got not immediate response so I, reported him to facebook, clicked the tab closed and went on about my activities.  He sent me another message (I got an email notification) asking me to help him in 'some small way'.  I have not replied and will probably block him.  Why is it that these nefarious fuckers from wherever they are (Philippines, Nigeria, Timbuktu?) feel that just because I am an older Gay American man that I am wealthy beyond imagining and willing to send ridiculous amounts of money to a person I do not know who is God knows where for any reason whatsoever?   I did not fall for the scam, but still it pissed me off and made me wonder if I had a big pink neon sign flashing over my head that says 'Sucker' either literally or figuratively (such as in  a online profile).  I really am in favor of establishing new friendships and helping young people grow and mature whether they are Gay or not.  I really do get tired of those who would play on my emotions and my generous nature only to try to steal whatever I have of monetary value for their own evil purposes.  Just once I would like to get a sincere friend request from someone who wants to know me and what I am about rather than what they could scheme and scam out of me.

Now that I have that off my chest, let's get on to the Genius of Mozart, Part 3.  In Part 3, The First Romantic, British Conductor Charles Hazelwood explores Mozart's instrumental and orchestral works and the later years of his life.  Hazelwood explains how the turbulent events and emotions of life propelled Mozart's musical imagination into the innovations that literally revolutionized classical music composition and performance.  The resulting evocative, emotional and truly beautiful music continues to amaze, inspire and entertain people of all walks of life even unto this day.  Once again, join me in watching:

To close out this post I have, of course, a photo collection to entice and inspire you as well.  Today being Friday, it is time for the sublimely beautiful to grace these pages wearing mostly their enigmatic or seductive smiles in this week's edition of Naked or Nearly So.  Thanks for the visit, see you tomorrow for photographic review of the Best of the Web This Week. Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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