Monday, October 08, 2012

Monday's Meanderings

The fall temperatures struck with  a vengeance over the weekend, driving the overnight temperatures down in the low 40's F (4.4 C).  It was perfect weather for getting in the Halloween Spirit, however.  My store is just down the street from the world's largest Haunted House as listed in the Guinness Book of World Records and this is their busy season.  With thousands of people from all over the area coming down to get the shit scared out of them, our weekend business was booming as we are the closest store to them that is open late.  The crowds were not our usual clientele, and it was nice to see 'normal' people instead of street people in the store.  Our coffee and cappuccino went over like gang busters due to the cooler temperatures along with our hot foods (pizza, wings, mini tacos, hot dogs and the like) selling like hot cakes.  Everyone was upbeat and having a good time, so it made work a lot more fun than the usual madness that goes on around there.

When I wasn't working I did happen to run across a couple of interesting things which I will share with you.  Your feel good moment of the day comes via who read it first at Daily Kos.  It seems Vice President Joe Biden was making a campaign appearance in Fort Myers, FL where there was a young man who was trying to get his 'Forward' poster signed by the VP for his brother and tell him what the Obama/Biden administration meant to his family.  Kobe Groce (15) was having trouble getting close when a staff member asked if they could be of assistance.  The staffer left Kobe where he was standing but told him to wait.  The staffer came back moments later and told Kobe "The Vice President would like to meet you".  Kobe said "I turned around and looked back at my mother as I was walking with the staffer in disbelief—I didn't know how to react. I was about to meet the man that helped make my life so much better."  What happened when they met is your feel good moment and the video is posted over at David Mixner's blog.  Be sure to have some tissues handy. 

Also over the weekend, the Sunday St. Louis Post-Dispatch published an editorial endorsing Barack Obama for a second term.  Obama: A second term for a serious man takes into account all of the President's successes and his failures also in making their case for his reelection.  The editorial is factual and forthright and I agree totally with their conclusion: "The question for voters is actually very simple. The nation has wrestled with it since its founding: Will this be government for the many or the few?  Choose the many. Choose Barack Obama." 

Now for the entertainment portion of this post, I have an excellent video of Violin Sonata Number 2 by Wilhelm Furtwangler as performed by Matthias Wollong on Violin and Birgitta Wollenweber on Piano.  "The two violin sonatas are from his late compositional phase after 1934, when his support of Hindemith made him fall so much out of favor with the Nazis that he suddenly had a lot of time for composition. Even in these small dimensions he lives up to his motto: "Grand and monumental.""  While listening to the beautiful piece of music, I have some 'grand and monumental' muscly marvels on display in their Monday's Undies for you to examine and appreciate as you scroll on down the page.  Thanks for stopping in, see you tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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