Monday, September 10, 2012

Raff Week

Happy Monday everyone, and welcome to Raff Week here at Nichevo.  All this week we will be exploring the music of German/Swiss Composer, Pianist and Teacher, Joachim Raff.  While Raff is mostly known for his large scale symphonic works, he was also a quite prolific composer of Chamber Music.  We will explore many of the forms in which he composed as the week goes on including trios, quartets, a quintet, an octet, concerti and symphonies.  Before we get into today's music and men I just wanted to link you to an excellent analysis of the 10 Rankest Hypocrisies of Mitt Romney and the Republican Party by Mike Howard over at Alternet.  10 more reasons not to vote Republican in November (if you did not have enough already!).  Now shoving politics aside for the moment, we begin our exploration of the music of Joachim Raff  in today's play list which has 3 out of his 5 Violin Sonatas; Numbers 2 in A Major, Opus78; 3 in D Major, Opus 128; 5 in C Minor, Opus 145. All beautifully performed by Ariadne Daskalakis and Roglit Ishay.  Then of course I have a heaping helping of muscular men in their Monday's Undies on display for your viewing pleasure immediately after the play list.  Thanks for the visit, see you back here tomorrow for more men and more Raff music.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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