Saturday, September 08, 2012

Best of the Web This Week

Welcome to the weekend and this week's review of the Best of the Web This Week.  This has been a really outstanding week news wise and all around the web where I have found some great things to share with you before we get to the music and the men.  There is a new website up now as another resource for those who are just coming to terms or struggling with their sexual orientation. is an interactive site with coming out stories, interviews, features, blog and a diary of one man's coming out story as it happens. You can both read what is already there and/or submit your own story or feature article that could help someone who is just coming to a place you have already been which will encourage and strengthen them.  Then I ran across a marvelous little questionnaire by Rev. Emily C Heath on The New Civil Rights Movement that was original published on The Huffington Post.  In "How to determine if your religious liberty is being threatened in just 10 quick questions", Rev. Heath concisely clears up the 'religious liberty controversy'  claimed by so many ultra conservative coreligionist's.  This is sure to amuse you and probably piss off those on the religious 'right' who are usually the religious 'wrong'.  Speaking of the religious 'right', Barbara Weicksel of Barb's Gift of Gab blog takes on those Marriage Equality opponents in "No Political Party Will Ever Regulate Love".  Barb clearly states her case for Marriage Equality and just exactly what this election is all about, concluding "It’s your choice who you vote for – I would hope you would choose freedom, love, compassion, and equality. Please choose wisely…".  I could not agree more strongly.  Sticking with the Marriage Equality battle but moving it to a sports venue, Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbedejo has been an outspoken advocate for Marriage Equality which is on the ballot in Maryland in November.  Seems that this week Raven's owner Steve Bisciotti received a letter from Maryland Delegate Emmet C Burns, Jr requesting that the Ravens curtail Brendon Ayanbedejo's First Amendment Right to Free peech for his support of Marriage Equality.  This of course has caused a lot of controversy as a member of the state legislature was trying to quash Ayanbedejo's positive stand for Equality by inciting the Ravens to abrogate his First Amendment Right to Free Speech.  The Ravens refused to do so and issued a statement in support of Ayanbedejo and Marriage Equality.  Brendon himself also responded publicly to Mr Burns in which he expressed his surprise that a member of the legislature would attempt to remove his right to free speech.  In support of Ayanbedejo, Minnesota Viking kicker Chris Kluwe, an outstanding Marriage Equality advocate in Minnesota where it is also on the ballot in November, wrote what has got to be the most kick ass response to Delegate Burns.  Kluwe's letter is a must read as he systematically and profanely takes Mr Burn's to task for his outrageous attempt to circumvent the US Constitution.  The best line in the whole letter has got to be "they won't magically turn you into a lustful cockmonster" if Gays are allowed to marry.  Read the whole thing, you will love it, trust me. 

One more thing before I get to the music and the men, I posted the video produced by HRC of the top 12 LGBT inclusive moments from the DNC right before the play list.  Finally, today's play list encompasses 4 works by Italian Composer, Luigi Cherubini, who spent most of his working life in Paris, France. We start with a 1957 recording of his Symphony in D Major in a performance by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra conducted by Carlo Zecchi. Following the symphony are his first 3 string Quartets performed by the Melos Quartet of Stuttgart, Germany; Number 1 in E Flat major; Number 2 in C Masjor; and finally Number 3 in D Minor.  That only leaves me to tell you about the men.  I collected over 1100 photos this week but I was extremely picky when making my selections this morning.  I ended up with 48 remarkable photographs which grabbed my attention with either their form, content, or style.  I am sure you will be pleased with the results with which I came up.  That wraps up this week, thanks for choosing to spend part of your weekend here at Nichevo, see you back here again on Monday.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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