Friday, September 07, 2012

Truth, Hope and Vision

The DNC came to its conclusion last night with President Obama accepting his party's nomination for a second term as President.  In the 3 videos I have posted below, some of which you may have seen in other places, show the Truth, Hope and Vision for America as embraced by the Democratic Party and our President.  The first video is First Lady Michele Obama in her opening night key note address in which she described the values that were instilled in her and her husband growing up, how the American Dream worked for them and how it can still work for future generations.  The second video is the fiery and impassioned speech by former President Bill Clinton nominating President Obama for a second term while eviscerating the Republicans and their failed policies that got us in our current difficulties in the first place.  The third video is the President himself accepting the nomination and sharing his vision for the future of ALL Americans which stood in stark contrast to that offered by Romney/Ryan and the Republican plan of lies, obfuscation, theocratic oppression, the triumph of the 1% and the screwing of the rest of us.  There has never been a clearer choice than in this election, which path to take to get us to where we want to be, Truth, Hope and Vision versus Lies, Oppression and the Screwing of ordinary Americans like you and me.  I am choosing Truth, Hope and Vision, I would sincerely hope that you will too. 

After the political videos, I have a wonderful performance by the Alban Berg Quartet of Ludwig von Beethoven's String Quartet in B Flat Major, Opus 130 to cleanse you palette as it were so that you might enjoy the heavenly hotties on display after the videos in this week's hot, hot, hot edition of Naked or Nearly So.  Thanks for spending part of your day here at Nichevo, see you tomorrow for this week's review of the Best of the Web This Week.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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