Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Tuesday Update

I must first apologize for not getting a post up for Monday. However, when I got home from work Monday morning, I felt like a dish of warmed over death served with a side of dog shit.  I went almost immediately to bed and remained there almost continuously until 7 PM with the exception of  about an hour around 2 PM or so.  I mixed up some awesome burgers for dinner for Will and I but when I sat down to eat, I had to make another run to the bathroom for yet another liquid explosive event.  Then I could no finish eating my burger as everything tasted pretty much like sand.  I do not know what is going on, my stomach has stayed in revolt all week, it has been at least a week since I have had anything other than liquid explosions in the bathroom and I cannot seem to shake this headache no matter how much naproxen (Aleve) I take.  Not even the thought of dozens of half naked men in their underwear could inspire me yesterday, so I just went to bed.  I went back to bed after dinner for a couple of hours but awakened in a puddle of sweat with a pounding headache.  I don't know if all this is heat related or what, but it is getting old fast.   After I finish putting this together, I will probably head back to bed while it is relatively cool in the apartment to see if I can get some rest and shake some of these ill effects off.  I have to work tonight, and if I don't get to feeling better, truck night will be pure hell on me.  I have almost always been a healthy guy my entire life, but it seems here lately that it no longer seems to be the case which turns out to be a real pain in the ass. 

I have managed to put together some music and men for your entertainment, after all, you don't just come to hear my witty reparte' with out something better to listen to or look at.  At any rate, the music in the video I have for you today was recorded in the 3 days after my birth (May 28,29,30, 1951) and released to the American public in 1953.  The recording is of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Eugene Jochum in a remarkable performance of the complete Symphony Number 5 in C Minor, Opus 67 by Ludwig von Beethoven.  After the video is a pretty remarkable collection of sweet studs cavorting about the pools and beaches of the world in this week's edition of Sexy Studs in Swimwear.  I will keep you post on my progress or lack thereof as the week goes on. Thanks for the visit, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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