Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Reading, Relaxing, and Romancing

I made it through truck night somehow, yet I came home just worn to a frazzle.  Thankfully, I found some really relaxing music to soothe my nerves which I will share with you in just a bit.  I am wondering though, how come it is when Hump Day comes around, I feel like I have been humped hard and put up wet?  While that is really a rhetorical question, maybe the answer is that I should really appreciate the fact that I do not have to work in the store tonight.  That does not necessarily mean I don't have work to do, I just get to do it at home on my trusty computer instead of having to deal with the vagaries of whatever strange elements happen to pass through the doors while I am attempting to accomplish something. At least at home, I can lock the strange and the stupid outside my door and pretend there is some common sense left in the world. 

I have some interesting reading material for you which I have come across in my web wanderings over the past few days.  A really definitive discussion of the whole Chick-Fil-A brouhaha written by playwright and composer Wayne Self entitled "The Chick Fellatio: Stuck in the Craw" is definitely a must read even if you have heard enough about Dan Cathy and his bigoted bits of chicken breast.  Then there is the thoughtful discussion of "The illusion of the 'Gay Lifestyle' - Setting it Straight" by Robyn Harper which gives you much food for thought.  Meanwhile in health news, there is a "New Theory: Sexual Orientation Determined by Brain Hemisphere Dominance" by author James Olson who believes he has found the missing link to the physiological source of sexual orientation, and it lies in the brain not the loins.  These articles should give you plenty to rattle around in your brain pan and bring up for discussion around the water coolers of the world. 

Now for the aforementioned relaxing music, I have video of a live concert recording from August 1970 by Emil Gilels in Salzburg, Austria.  He plays the Piano Sonata in A Major, D784 and series of six movements grouped under the title Musical Moments, D780 by Franz Schubert and Piano Sonata in B Minor by Franz Liszt.  It makes for a really relaxing hour or so to erase whatever might be rattling your nerves.  Following the video is a series of intimate photographs of Homosensual Moments for to appreciate while relaxing to the music.  Thanks for the visit, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy! 

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