Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rantings of a Abused Intellect

Can anyone tell me at which point in time the phrase 'you ain't got no _____.' replaced the question 'do you have any ____?' in the lexicon of the English language?  For the life of me, I cannot fathom how any person born in this country, raised to adulthood and supposedly educated at government expense for 12 years, who graduated with a high school diploma could possibly end up not being able to read, write or speak proper English.  These people supposedly speak only one language, but it certainly is not the English I learned in school.  I literally cringe when these people spout off some of the crap they think is English.  I also cannot understand how anyone over the age of 6 with a reasonable intellect cannot tell time on an analog clock or make change without an electronic device telling him how much change to give.  I learned how to tell time before I started school and learned how to count change in the first month of the first grade in elementary school.  I can make change in my head in two languages faster than my register can figure and display the correct change.  I tried to train a girl on the register, showed her how to use the amount tendered key to get the correct change, yet she could not count out the change because she could not count.  She was a high school graduate and could not tell me which coins were needed to amount to 42 cents.  Needless to say, she did not last out the week as she seemed unable to grasp the concept of counting change even with electronic help.  Another thing I have difficulty understanding is how a person who buys something to eat, goes out and leans on a trash can while fuel is being pumped into their vehicle, eats their food and then just throws their refuse on the ground next to the trash can.  I have eighteen (really 18) trash receptacles between the inside and outside of my store, yet my parking lot is trashed to the point of being indistinguishable from a trash heap on a daily basis.  Inside the store, it is just as bad or maybe worse at times.  People will be right next to a trash receptacle yet they will discard their trash on the floor or on the counter.  Sometimes they will ask if I have a trash can while standing so close to one that if it was an animal it would have already bitten them in the ass.  They will discard used condiment packages in the bin with the unused packets or leave them on the counter.  Let's not even talk about the many inventive ways they find to spread cheese, chili, Slurpee and soft drinks from one end of the store to the other nor am I going to delve into the nasty rest room habits of the general public.  Then there are the idiots that see you waiting on a customer at the register who will interrupt the transaction to demand service in another area of the store.  Is it any wonder that I sometimes come home so stressed and frustrated I can't stand myself nor anyone else for a couple of hours until I unwind enough to actually feel human again?  OMFG!!!!

Now that I have that rant off my chest, let's get to something definitely more pleasant.  I think you will really like today's video of Concert 7 of the Berenboim on Beethoven series which includes the complete Moonlight Sonata among the pieces being performed.  Then because it is Hump Day, I went to select the photos for today's post and could not decide between Lickable Lads or Humpable Hunks, however I think you will find all of the photos selected depict hotties who are both very Lickable and most definitely Humpable to get you over the hump and headed down hill to the weekend.  I myself have the next two days off to relax and enjoy the new A/C unit Will bought me which I installed this morning.  This installation should solve the heat crises we have been having making Uncle Gerry a much happier camper than he has been for the last month.  Thanks for taking time out of your day to pay me a visit and listing to the ranting of my abused intellect, we will see you here again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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