Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hot Links, Political Parody and Denim Dynamite

It was another quiet night spent in enjoyable conversations on Skype.  It has also been blessedly cool in the house thanks to the new A/C unit Will bought for me.  I should not be having any more heat related health problems now that the new A/C is up, running and keeping things cool.  I did do a bit of web wandering and thought you guys might find a couple of things I found of interest to you.  The first article is by Patrick Burke and was originally posted on the You Can Play website.  Patrick is the son of Brian Burke, GM of the Toronto Maple Leafs of the NHL and brother to Brendan who was an openly Gay hockey player killed in a car accident a couple of years ago.  One of Patrick's interns over at You Can Play, Jessica Ghawi, was one of the victims of the theater shooting in Aurora Colorado.  'Unrealized Potential' weaves the story of both Brendan and Jessica into an inspiring call for inclusion, caring and support for the LGBT community.  The second article is political in nature from Barbara Weicksel over  at Barb's Gift of Gab.  'If you're Gay - A Vote for Romney/Ryan is a Vote Against Yourself', Barbara discusses her confusion and consternation with Gay Republicans in the light of the fact that most Republicans would like it better if the earth swallowed up all the LGBT folks and we just disappeared completely.  This discussion leads us to the first video I have for you today.  The video is a inspiring political parody I found on Towleroad sung by a host of Broadway performers singing the words of Don DeMesquita to the tune of 'One More Day' from Les Miserables which is posted below for your enjoyment.   The second video is Concert 8 of the Berenboim on Beethoven series from Berlin.  As Concert 3 is still MIA, I will post the Klavierfestival Ruhr concert with Berenboim and Staatskapel Berlin performing Piano Concerti 1, 2, and 3 by Herr Beethoven from the Jarunderthalle in Bochum, Germany.  Then for Saturday's photo review I have a very special video to accompany all the gorgeous guys on display that I will reveal to you then.  (Don't you just love surprises?)  Today's videos are followed by a collection of denim dynamite with all the hot, muscly Men in Jeans strutting their stuff as you scroll down the page.  Thanks for the visit, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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