Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Musings, Music and Men

After Friday night's adventures, the rest of the weekend was fairly tame.   Although I am a bit tired this morning, I feel pretty much alright and I have the night off to rest up for Tuesday's truck night adventures.  Other than work, I did run across a couple of interesting things in my web wanderings over the weekend.  Barbara Weicksel from Barb's Gift of Gab blog whose post was also published on LGBTQ Nation wrote a really must read article 'My being Gay is not my opinion - it's my life'.  Barbara is eloquent in the delivery of her point of view as well as entertaining.  Click on the link and I guarantee you will not be disappointed.  Meanwhile, over at Americablog, John Aravosis posted a video of one of my all time favorite songs, 'Over The Rainbow'.  (What friend of Dorothy doesn't like this song?)  This acoustic version was recorded live at Blues Alley in Washington, DC in 1996 by vocalist Eva Cassidy of whom I had never heard before viewing this video.  Unfortunately, Ms Cassidy is no longer with us as she passed away from Melanoma in November of 1996.  I had to re-post the  video because her rendition is sweet, simple, emotional and evocative.  I think you will like it as much as I do.  After 'Over The Rainbow' you will find Concert 5 live from Berlin inthe Berenboim on Beethoven series, which continues our exploration of the Piano music composed by Herr Beethoven.  Following the videos you will find a full complement of cuties casually clad in their Monday's Undies to brighten your day and mine.  I thank you for the visit and hope you have a fantabulous week.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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