Saturday, August 11, 2012

Best of the Web This Week

I finally got my prescriptions in the mail yesterday which has caused my blood pressure to go back down where it is supposed to be.  This also results in lessening the fatigue factor in my general well being, which is a welcome relief.  I managed to survive truck night without being totally tired out although the stress factor was alive and running amok.  The Demon of Drunkenness did not see fit to make an appearance last night although the Spirits of Stupidity and Sloth were making a nuisance of themselves for most of the night.  I can probably expect the Demon of Drunkenness to make a his presence known tonight especially if Mexico defeats Brazil for the Football (Soccer) Gold this evening.  There will be hell to pay as everyone in little Mexico will be drunk off their ass and making a fool of themselves far into the night if their team is victorious.  Such 'fun' to look forward to (Not!). 

In other news, Mitt Romney has given every Gay person in America another reason to vote for Barack Obama in November by selecting the anti-Gay, anti-poor and pro 1% Paul Ryan as his running mate.  Representative Ryan's draconian budget plan and his adamant rejection of anything Equality should give everyone in the LGBT and other communities not of the 1% heartburn just thinking of what he would do if given even more influence than he already has.  How anyone with any common sense that makes less than a million a year could even consider Romney/Ryan as a viable leadership team for this country is way beyond my limits of comprehension and they should have their head examined for leakage of brain matter.   We have a clear choice this November and Romney/Ryan is not it.  If you are not backing Obama as yet, now would be the time to get on the band wagon for four more years. 

I was going to post Concert 3 of the Berenboim on Beethoven series today, however the video seems to be MIA.  I have contacted the up loader to see about getting it restored so as to be embeddable but have not heard back from him yet.  Therefore I am posting Concert 4 today instead and will continue on from here.  Hopefully before the week is out I will be able to bring Concert 3 to your ears.   Close on the heels of the video are the 64 photos I have selected as the Best of the Web This Week of the 852 that I gathered.  You will find them all to be truly excellent and some to be exceptional in style, form and subject.  Have a fabulous rest of the weekend and we will see you on Monday.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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