Thursday, August 30, 2012

Holy Hot Links, Batman!

Well, I have had some time to recuperate and catch up on all my feeds.  Which, as it turns out, has given me even more interesting stuff to link you to.  Get out your reading glasses, pour yourself some of your favorite beverage, and then get set to spend some time reading if you follow all of the links that are in this post.  Starting out with Gay4Soccer and their feature article "An Athlete's Life in the Closet: One Tar Heels Tale", a testimonial by Stephen Bickford chronicling his journey to self acceptance which he hopes will help to inspire change in the sports world.  Next up is a debut novel by Openly Gay author, Justin Torres, who survived (barely) a horrendous Sexual Orientation Change Effort when he was kidnapped by his parents and forced into a psychiatric institution's reparative therapy program.  "We The Animals" is his fictionalized autobiographical account of growing up and coming to terms with himself.  You can read an excerpt from the book at Granta and his short story in the New Yorker, "Reverting To A Wild State" from this author who we will be hearing from a lot in the coming years.  Heading over to the blogosphere, we find this little gem from Barb's Gift of Gab blog, "Hate Is Easy, Love Takes Courage" in which Barb explains her theory on why so many people, groups, organization and political parties hop on the hate train.  Barb then asks us all to choose to be courageous, spread the love and leave hate behind.  While we are on the subject of hate groups, GLAAD's blog examines the expose on NOM written by Equality Matters activist, Carlos Maza, after he went undercover to the It Takes A Family (ITAF) student conference in San Diego sponsored by NOM's Ruth Institute.  Both GLAAD's examination and commentary and Carlos Maza's complete write up of his experiences are worth the time it takes to read them.  Maza said that his attendance at the ITAF conference was "one of the most disturbing and overtly homophobic experiences of my life".  No matter how pretty a face NOM tries to put on their public anti-equality efforts, behind closed doors their words sound more like the hateful Reverend Phelps of Westboro BC infamy than anything else. 

Staying with the general topic of hateful people, this video excerpt from HBO's series The Newsroom give the most accurate portrayal of the Tea Party I have heard.  To bad we haven't a real news person with the balls to say the same.   Meanwhile, Black Tsunami takes the Family Research Council to task for cherry picking his writings to once again distort the facts and bend them to prove their point.  Then over at Good As You, Jeremy reports on the Concerned Women of America's latest  "Homosexual Agenda Impact Survey"  in which he calls their results "a non shocker of a non poll".  Another non shocker is the GOP party platform that has been analyzed by The New Civil Rights Movement whose analysis can be rightfully summed up with this quote from their write up: "The platform, which runs 62 pages, is a testament to 19th century thinking while taking not one ounce of responsibility for the current state of affairs. It’s also filled with lies. And it also calls same-sex marriage “an assault on the foundations of our society.”"  This is another reason to steer clear of the Romney/Ryan ticket in November if you don't have enough already.  However to end on a positive note, Think Progress reports on the Family Equality Council's release of a real "Family Values" platform as an alternative to the anti-Gay condemnations in the GOP party platform.  It is a great platform that if adopted by the party in power would do much to relieve the inequality we as LGBT people experience on a daily basis. 

If you are now not too tired to scroll down the page after all this reading, I have a great music video and some handsome hunks that will help unclog your brain, soothe your nerves and perhaps even let the little head take over the thought process for just a little while.  The video contains the Concerti a cinque, Opus 10 by Tomaso Albonini with a wonderful performance by Collegium Musicum 90 and Simon Standage on period instruments. After the video is this weeks salute to denim with lots muscly Men In Jeans to inspire your desire.  That should do it for today, thanks for the visit, see you tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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