Monday, August 20, 2012

Good Reading, Great Music & Gorgeous Guys

My new work schedule is working out pretty well for me so far.  The weekend followed our recent trend of Saturday night being fairly mellow and Sunday night being as busy as Friday night albeit with a lot less drunkenness, thankfully.   While I did work all weekend, I did find some time to get some web wandering done and have a couple of articles for you which are worthy of the time it takes to read them.  California State Senator Ted Lieu, the sponsor of a bill prohibiting Ex-Gay therapy for minors received a scathing letter from Regina  Griggs, Executive Director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) which stated that the bill  "smacked of fascism and Ex-Gay bashing" a couple of weeks ago.  In response to these claims of fascism and Ex-Gay bashing, Christian Burket wrote an article "Memo to PFOX: We Don't Need Your Rehabilitation" in which he refutes these claims and calls the practice of conversions therapy "the modern equivalent of foot binding, I look forward to the day that they tumble into the gutters of history, wallowing in the muck of antiquity."  I really could not have said it better myself and I think you will find his article very interesting reading.  Then Desmond Rutherford states his case for "The freedom to love those who consent to love us is a universal right.".  Desmond begins with Spartacus and continues on to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's on through the current battle for LGBTQ Civil Rights, he even touches on the FRC shooting before re-working Dylan Thomas' famous "Do not go gently into that good night" with these words "Don’t go back gently into that closet, Our age should learn to love our being gay, Rage, rage against the lying of the Right."  This one is definitely a must read for its insight, intelligence and its very succinct conclusion. 

Now that you have your reading list, how about some great music to go along with it and all the gorgeous guys on display cavorting about in their Monday's Undies after the video?  I think I have just the video to fit the bill.  From a Naxos recording, today's video contains five concerti for Flute and Orchestra by Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach performed by the C P E Bach Orchestra under the baton of Hartmut Haenchen and featuring Flute Soloist Eckart Haupt.  In order of performance they are the Concerti in D Minor, Wq22; A Minor, Wq166; A Major, Wq168; B Flat Major, Wq 167 and G Major, Wq 169; a really marvelous listening experience to get your week started off on the right note!  Thanks for the visit, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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