Thursday, August 23, 2012

Free Concert on Friday

It was a pretty quiet night around here without much going on.  I did manage to catch up on some sleep and also clear the backlog out of my feed reader.  I did not find anything earth shatteringly important enough to write about in my wanderings.   I did get a email invitation from the Berlin Philharmonic which has their season opening concert Friday night at 7 PM CET which is Noon Texas time.  The concert will include Piano Concerto Number 2 by Johannes Brahms featuring Piano Soloist Yefim Bronfman and also Symphony Number 3 by Witold Lutoslawski.  Conducting will be Sir Simon Rattle, Principle Conductor of the BPO.  You too can get a free pass for the concert from the Digital Concert Hall courtesy of Deutsche Bank by clicking here.  The free passes are limited in number so if you want to enjoy this great listening experience then hurry on over to the link and register for you own free pass.

For your aural pleasure today, I have a video of Leonard Bernstein conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra in a performance of Tchaikovsky's Symphony Number 5 in E Major.  Then for your visual appreciation there is a collection dedicated to the delights of denim in this week's edition of Men In Jeans following the video.  Thanks for the visit, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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