Friday, August 24, 2012

Long Night With No Internet

We suffered an Internet outage last night from about midnight to just after 6 AM.  Consequently it was a pretty boring night.  I did get about a 3 hour nap, then I finished my latest book and still I was waiting for the lights on my modem to come on.  Thankfully they have returned and there is joy in our apartment once more.  Will got a lot of uninterrupted time playing Darksiders II so he was not too bored although I could tell he was suffering from Skype withdrawal before the night was over and the Internet came back on.  I will be taking another nap this morning as the BPO season opening concert I told you about yesterday begins at Noon Texas time which is when I would normally be heading to bed.  I am looking forward to the concert as the BPO always gives an excellent performance and the Digital Concert Hall provides an outstanding listening experience.  It is as if I am sitting front row center at the Philharmonie without having to fly to Berlin to attend the concert. 

I have one more night of freedom before returning to work tomorrow night.  I think I could get to like these three day weekends a lot.  For your listening pleasure today, the video has 5 Sonatas for Mandolin and Harpsichord by Domenico Scarlatti, K 81, 88, 89, 90, and 91. Performing in today's video is  Ugo Orlandi on Mandolin and Sergio Vartolo on Harpsichord.  The painting in the video is "Lady With Mandolin" by Giovanni Battista Tiebolo.  Immediately following the video is this week's collection of lithesome lads who are Naked or Nearly So to entice and inspire you.  Thanks for the visit, see you tomorrow for this week's review of the Best of the Web This Week.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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