Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Conspiracy Theory

There was a conspiracy afoot in the neighborhood last night.  It seems everyone was in on the "let's be rude and obnoxious to the store clerk just because we can" pact.  Either that or the "fuck you, I'm pissed off so you might as well be pissed off too" vein of thought.  No matter which theory it was, it certainly worked as everyone seemed bound and determined to work my last nerve.  At least until Captain Rodricks of the FWPD strolled in for some spicy chicken wings about 3 AM.  Things seemed to mellow out for the most part after that.  However, speaking of conspiracy theories, Republican mouthpiece and proverbial big bag of hot air, Rush Limbaugh tried to plant a conspiracy theory of his own.  He said he was "not calling it a conspiracy, but..." then went on to accuse President Obama and the National Hurricane Center of conspiring to manipulate the weather data.  This was of course to scare the bejesus out of the Republicans in order to spoil their little party in Tampa.  Then after the Republicans had cancelled day one's activities, then the real weather data was released showing a landfall nearer to New Orleans than Tampa.  I swear he must get his information from the Republican Conspirator in Chief, Carl Rove because this sounds just like something he would come up with to cast aspersions, mud or shit just because he could.  I highly doubt President Obama gives two shits what the Republicans do in Tampa this week, as I am sure that he (as well as I) knows the Romney/Ryan ticket will implode from the shear weight of the lies, bullshit, and twisted 'facts' that seems to flow from them like lava from a volcano.  Sooner or later they will let their mouths overload their ass and the American public will refuse to believe their obfuscations and vote for the only logical alternative.  Mr Obama is not perfect, but considering the alternative, not even the village idiot should consider casting a vote for the Romney/ Ryan ticket in November.  That is unless we want a theocratic Mormon republic that bows to the gods of Wall Street and Salt Lake City, then shits on everyone else. 

At any rate, enough of that rant for now.  I am in need of some mellow cello this morning and I have just the video for that.  The video has six Sonatas for Cello and Basso Continuo by Antonio Vivaldi.  In order of performance they are the Sonatas in A Minor, B Flat Major, A Minor, E Minor, G Minor and E Flat Major.  The performance today is by Bruno Cocset and Les Basses Reunies.  Then, since this is Tuesday, the collection of photos I have on display for your visual appreciation will definitely conspire to inspire your desire as these Sexy Studs in Swimwear cavort about the beaches and pools of the world.  The combination of the the music and the men should mellow any fellow in short order.  Thanks for stopping by, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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