Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy Birthday, America!

Today is the most American of holidays, Independence Day, when we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4. 1776.  Speaking of the Declaration of Independence, I got this article in my feeds yesterday and thought it was quite appropriate that I link you to it today: An LGBT Declaration of Independence Then, to celebrate America's birthday I put together this collection of some of my favorite patriotic songs and hymns beginning with the US Army Herald Trumpets with the Boston Pops Orchestra performing Fanfare for the Common Man followed the Herald Trumpets and the Combined Service Academy Choirs with the Star Spangled Banner. Then The Armed Forces Medley from the 2010 National Memorial Day Concert in DC, The Boston Pops with America the Beautiful, The Stars and Strips Forever arranged for Violin and Cello by Bruce Dukov, BMI performed by (Duo W) Violinist Arianna Warsaw-Fan and Cellist Meta Weiss, then the BYU Mens Chorus with The Battle Hymn of the Republic. The finale is the TELARC digital HD recording of the 1812 Overture featuring the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra conducted by Eric Kunzel, digitally recorded Civil War era cannons and actual church bells recorded across America.   For your daily dose of man candy and in the spirit of the holiday, I gathered photos of some of our 2012 Olympic hopefuls, soldiers, sailors, and other hot hunks adorned, draped or displayed with some form or other of the Stars and Stripes.  Have a great holiday and we will see you tomorrow!  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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