Saturday, July 28, 2012

Best of the Web This Week

Last night's truck was not as big as it could have been, however, it still had 146 boxes, flats, or cases and 25 totes full of stuff.  Of course, while I was trying to check in the truck, the customers went bat shit crazy and swarmed us like a horde of locusts.  I swear, 75 per cent of the people who frequent my store after 10 PM on Friday fit into one of four categories: Horny, Drunk, Stoned or Stupid (or some combination thereof) with the remaining 25 per cent about evenly split between normal working people, cops and the occasional totally deranged individual who has no clue which planet they are on, much less which one they came from.  We were so busy with everything, I did not even get a chance to grab a bite and only had 4 cigarettes the whole night.  By the time I got home I was tired, bitchy, starved and stressed.  I came home to find a nice little snark from Will on Messenger saying he did not think we had enough food in the house, although I just spent $100 on groceries and how this web site said I was thawing my meat wrong.  Just exactly what I needed at that moment.  I took a long hot shower then fixed myself a ham, cheese and jalapeno omelet with a bunch of home fries and a glass of milk before I sat down to cull through the 751 photographs I had collected this week for today's review.  I ended up with 74 prime photos of lithesome lads, horny hunks and sultry studs for you to get your view on with.  To accompany these fine photos, the video for today is the complete Lord of the Rings Symphony.  I cannot tell you the orchestra, conductor or composer as they were not listed in the video description, but you can find the complete play list there by clicking on the link.  Now I am going to go chill on the balcony with the critters and let you get your listen and look on.  Thanks for the visit, see you again on Monday.  Until next time as always, Enjoy.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post. I don’t know a large number of links to forums but my friends seem to be able to spend a lot of time on them that’s for sure.