Friday, July 27, 2012

More Hot Links and Homoerotica

Yesterday was definitely better than the day before. Even as busy as I was running around getting all the weekly chores and errands done, it was certainly less stressful. After I got all my running around done, I did get some web surfing done and of course I ran across a couple of things that I thought would be of interest to you. Brian Edwards, along with his husband, authors of The Gay Wedding Experience blog whose engagement photo by Kristina Hill was stolen and used as an political attack ad definitely had something to say to the thieves. In his article at the Huffington Post Gay Voices, It Gets Better - But Better Is No Longer Good Enough, he unequivocally states his case about the defiling of his photo and his plan to seek a legal remedy. His conclusion goes like this: "His activities will only help us to educate the world. We will reclaim our image. We are not children anymore, and we refuse to be bullied. We will take back our photo and its intent. We will speak out because "better" is no longer good enough." I heartily stand behind him in his quest for justice. Meanwhile over at Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, Black Tsunami once again is spot on in responding to the seeming unrelenting screed of the religious 'right' ('wrong'?) in his article: Your religion WILL NOT protect you from criticism. Then today, also in the same bullying screed vein he reports Kirk Cameron Refuses To Meet With LGBT Youth after being invited to sit down with the most helpless of the victims of the religious screeds bullying tactics, our LGBT youth for an open and honest discussion. The religious hate mongers do not want discussion but rather dominion over those of us who deign to disagree with the load of crap they are selling. I agree it is getting better, but better is no longer good enough, the sooner these nut jobs discover the true meaning of the love of Jesus, the better off we will all be. Maybe they need a 'Road to Damascus' experience with the living God to put them in their place.

Now to celebrate the fact that it is Friday, I have a wonderful performance by the Okayama University Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Hiroshi Hoshina from their Summer 2010 Concert of the symphonic suite Scheherazade by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsikov with an encore of the Waltz from Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty. Then to whet your appetite for and mindful of good lovin' in your weekend pursuit of happiness, I have something a little different than most Fridays with this collection of Homoerotica to inspire your desire. Thanks for the visit, be sure to stop by tomorrow for this week's photo review of the Best of the Web This Week. Have a Fabulous weekend. Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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