Saturday, July 14, 2012

Best of the Web This Week

I do not know why I was holding out hope for a modicum of normalcy in the misadventure that is Friday night at the corner of Crazy Avenue and Stupid Street because I sure did not get it.  Unless of course by normal you mean drunkenness, mayhem, sloth and stupidity in overwhelming quantities, enough to make you want to go postal on any number of miscreants that happen to wander in the door in whatever altered state of mind they happen to be in.  Suffice it to say by the time I finally got  outta there at 7 AM, I was wound so tight, any additional pressure would have caused an explosive decompression that would not have been pretty by any stretch of the imagination.  Thankfully, I had today's video queued up and ready to play to help soothe the savage beast before it ate the entire population of nearest village.  So I took a hot shower, plopped on the head phones then sat out on the balcony for a bit to commune with the music and the cute creatures of the woodlands frolicking about in the trees.  As promised, today's video is  a marvelous performance of the Six Suites for Solo Cello by Johann Sebastian Bach performed by the remarkable Cellist, Yo Yo Ma.  The video runs just over 2 hours of soothing, mellow cello which should give you plenty of time to linger over the lithesome lads in this week's review.  Thanks for listening to my rant, I promise to be a little lest vitriolic come Monday.  Have a fabulous weekend and we will see you then.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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