Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday The Thirteenth

This is the day feared by all triskadekaphobiacs which I hope is not a harbinger of a chaotic and disastrous night at work.  I am not very superstitious, so I am hoping for a more or less normal Friday truck night with little drunkenness and mayhem on the part of my customers.  Only time will tell, I suppose. In the meantime I have a fabulous classic 1964 recording of the Cello Concerto in B Minor, Opus 104 by Antonin Dvorak with a performance by Leonard Rose accompanied by Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra.  This wonderful musical masterpiece will be the perfect accompaniment for the host of heavenly hotties in this steamy edition of Naked or Nearly So on display below the video.  This should get you in the weekend state of mind as you guys begin your weekend and I begin my work week.  I hope you have a fabulous weekend.  Make sure to stop by for this week's photo review of the Best of the Web This Week and a marvelous video performance  by the remarkable Cellist, Yo Yo Ma, in tomorrow's post.  Thanks for the visit, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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