Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A New Stategy For A New World

Sioux Tee Pees At Sunset,
South Dakota

Like the Tee Pees pictured above, the sun is setting on the Presidency of George W. Bush (can we get a Hallelujah! Here) and the upcoming election is going to set the direction for the next several years in this country. We want to make sure it is the right direction. That direction is away from the theocratic right wing nut jobs that run the Republican Party and their supporters and towards Senator Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. Posted below are the latest videos from The decision this year is yours, do we want 4 more years of the same BS we have had for the last eight, or do we want Change We Can Believe In? I opt for the second. Watch the videos, support the man, and vote in November. The videos are followed by today's selections in the eye candy section, until next time as always, Enjoy!

A New Strategy For A New World

America Needs This Man

America's Leadership

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