Tjoe Steam Engine, Outeniqua Choo,
South Africa
I am in danger of becoming a consumer. Job stability and regular income have provided a boost in the want factor of my gay shopping gene which has finally awakened again after all these years. For the longest time, groceries were a luxury item and rent was something I wished I had. Therefore, having the ability to not only plan to purchase something, but to also be able to carry the plan to fruition in an orderly manner is not really new but somewhat unfamiliar over the last few years. None the less, I have plans for my disposable income once again and once again it is a computer related item. I will have to wait until I receive my check to be sure but there may also be a second purchase (also computer related) which might have funding this time. If not then there is always next check! I found a real bargain and if it is still available come payday, out comes the debit card and my mouse will burn a hole in my hand trying to click there fast enough. I spend a majority of my leisure time here at the publishing hub of Nichevo, ever searching and probing for the best there is out there to bring to you guys here. The only real problem with that is I find a lot of stuff I want to bring home to me too. Some of which is available and some of which is not, no matter the price. Ahem! At any rate, I enjoy cruising around the various sites to see what I can see and bring the best and the buffest to you. I am going to be brief today (I want to do more shopping!) so we will move on into the entertainment which is also brief today with a Nuke episode and Barack's latest campaign ad followed nipping at their heels are todays men with not a dog among them. They can, however, sure make me pant like a bitch in heat! Until next time as always, Enjoy!
Nuke 7/14
Barack's Latest Campaign Ad
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