Thursday, July 17, 2008

Late Night Loonies

Eagle Falls and Emerald Bay

Does anyone out there know if its a full moon or not? The late night loonies have sure been active here of late so I was wondering if there were a lunar cause. One of the unique things of working the Midnight to 8 AM shift is the number of times one comes across persons with alternate realities than the one in which we are present. Last night was such a night, every weirdo in the book came in to classics for Karaoke, got drunk, attempted singing (LOL) and then proceeded to make the night very interesting. I do not know what possesses people to lie to hotel clerks without thought of consequence. Two people come to the desk with luggage wanting one room; question "how many people will be staying in the room?"; answer 1. NOw I may be older and I may not be the wiftest cooking in the batch, but I can count to two. Anyway so what do you do, charge them for two and give them one key and only one free breakfast coupon. They think they are swift when they check in on one shift them come the next morning for their breakfast coupons wanting one for everyon in the room. I check the computer and the reg card and find one person listed, then I have to explain you paid for one person you get one breakfast. "but I told them there were 4 of us" then how come you have a single room and only one listed in the computer or on the reg card? That shuts them up real fast. Any way, then there are those who swear they are staying here and want a key to a certain room, agian no record of this person at my hotel exists, and I get kinda testy for getting cussed for not giving a ke to a non registered guest. Another favorite trick is to park where I cannot see the car, send one person in to get the price of the room for one. When I tell them the price, they have to go to the car to check their money. Right, if I am checking into a hotel, I have my money and ID with me, I don't leave it in the car. Do they really think I am stupid? The most belligerent of these late night loonies are fast finding Uncle Gerry does not play the stupid game nor does he endanger his job by allowing extra guests or other freebies just because they want me to give them up. What really tickles me is the obvious hookers or other women who think they can use their body to get a discount or freebie, they are really surprised to learn I don't give a shit about their tits and tatts, pay me for what you want. I am not here to provide free boarding to every jane, janice or janet wants to give me a blow job for room rent. I am finding out a lot of shit my predecessor got away with because he thought he was immune from discipline (he found out he was not). So I guess that is my rant for the day. I do have one video for you from the real weekly news over at You Tube. Obviously our campaign has had some effect as the judge has ruled that Viacom is not entitled to personal identity particulars of You Tube users only the viewing data as anonymized by You Tube. So that is a good thing. Also I got a survey request from You Tube about their customer service as related to my email. I told them I thought the first email was rude but the second one was nicer. The still haven't fixed the problem so I gave them a failing grade on that. Now that I am finished bitching for the day, view the video and the eye candy to follow. Until next time as always, Enjoy!

You Won!

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