Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Just This And That

It has been an interesting day today. Other than the fact I only got a couple of hours sleep, I am doing pretty well. We are getting set to open up operations in Houston beginning the 15th so today I arranged to get the leads and got a toll free number linked to the office number so the folks in Houston won't have to pay to book their moves with me. This means I should be a lot busier with the moving company leading hopefully to being able to quit the hotel and just work on the business. That is the plan and I am working the plan for all I am worth.

I also got to play Uncle for a little while as Str8roomie's Gurl had a family crisis (her Uncle had a heart attack and a stroke, double whammy) so I had to help them get to where he was and provide some comfort and support. Her Uncle is still in the ICU in Arlington and will be there for a while. He has stabilized but loopy from the morphine, he thinks he is back home in Tennessee. Say a little prayer for him and them as they work their way through this time.

In my daily rounds of the internet, I ran across this post over at Queer Verve that you should check out about a Hot Young Russian pop star trying to make inroads in America by the name of Dima Bilan. He is definitely on the HOT side and can really sing too. The video linked to on Queer Verve is called "Take Me With You" and all I have to say is "Where do you want to go?"!!!

It is getting late already but I had to post something as I told you guys I would put something up today when I posted yesterday and I hate going back on my word! So I will leave you with a few photos to inspire you and bid you adieu for now. Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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1 comment:

JOHANNES said...

Please 'this and that' me all day long. Always good taste in pics.