Thursday, August 28, 2014


I am having a good deal of difficulty controlling my blood sugar this week.  It has crashed down to 50 or below several times this week which has literally worn me out physically.  My appetite comes and goes.  Some days I eat well and other days it is a struggle to get things down.  On top of the emotional turmoil of the last few weeks, it is just one more thing that keeps me out of balance.  So rather than concentrate on the upsetting things in my life, let's move on to the more beautiful things like the Music and the Men.  

Your Musical Moment for Thursday features the Music of Francesco Maria Veracini.  The play list includes Ouverture No.1 In B Flat Major; Ouverture No.2 In F Major; Ouverture No.3 In B Flat Major; Ouverture No.4 In F Major and Ouverture No.6 In B Flat Major with a performance by Musica Antiqua Köln under the baton of Reinhard Goebel.  You may also hear Veracini's Sonata Accademiche over on my tumblr.

Since this is Thursday it must be time for more Men In Jeans, a fine assortment of which you will find on display below the play list.  There is more denim dynamite in the Hottie of the Day! to be seen over on my tumblr.  Thanks for the visit, see you again soon.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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1 comment:

Bailey;-) said...

If there's anything we can do, just let me know, Uncle G. <3 You know we love you bunches.