Wednesday, July 09, 2014

In The Dark

My Mother called me last week to inform me she had fallen and hurt her leg.  She was in the hospital, however everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about.  The end of the week and the weekend are my busy times with lots of working hours so I sat that on the back burner of my mind thinking everything was going to be OK.  As I have been telling you guys all week, I am really behind the curve on a lot of things, so I had yet to get by the hospital to see my Mother.  

I was at work last night when my niece called me to make sure I was 'in the loop' as far as what was going on.  She had figured correctly that no one else had called to let me know that Mother was anything but fine.  Six days ago now, Mother developed some difficulty breathing and then her lungs failed.  The doctors then intubated her so the machine could breathe for her while they figured out what caused her lungs to fail.  Yet neither of my brothers had bothered to inform me that Mother almost died and is now on life support while the doctors are figuring things out.  The machine is doing 92 percent of her breathing so they are keeping her heavily sedated to prevent her from fighting the machine.  They did a Bronchoscopy yesterday, a procedure in which a camera probe is inserted into the lungs to take a look around and gather tissue samples for testing.  For a fuller definition of the procedure, click on the link above or here.  We should know some of the results of these tests today.  

I went to the hospital last night after work where the nurse brought me up to speed on everything that had happened and what they had done and were planning to do.  Of course, Mother did not know I was there due to the sedation.  The nurse says they do not expect to wean here off the machine anytime soon.  Once they discover a cause for the effect, then a course of action can be decided.  I don't think I will have much say in the matter, my brothers have left me in the dark so far, and I don't see them changing that any time soon either.  And that just really pisses me off.  What if Mother had died, when would they have told me, after the funeral?  Thankfully my niece, who is also a RN, had the presence of mind to let me in on things because no one else had or would have. 

At this point, I do not know what will happen and I am sure this whole thing will weigh heavily on my mind as the week goes along.  I will be checking regularly with the hospital and my niece so I can stay informed about everything.  My niece is coordinating a Care Conference between the Doctors and the Family trying to set it up for tomorrow.  I will keep you guys posted as to how events play out and how that will affect my publishing schedule.  For now, I think I could use a little distraction therefore I shall move on to the entertainment portion of this missive.  

I get a lot of inspiration for my Musical Selections by first hearing them played on Venice Classic Radio or WRR (Dallas).  Today's composer is one I heard for the first time last night on VCR so I went You Tubing to search for the Music of Francesco Antonio Rosetti to share with you.  Your Midweek Musical Moment features Rosetti's Sinfonias and Conciertos parra Piano y Orquestra with a performance by Nerine Barrett on Piano accompanied by Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Johannes Moesus.  A complete play list may be found here.  You may also hear Rosetti's Oboe Concerto in C Major over on my tumblr.  

Finally for today, it is time once again to turn to fun in the sun and/or suds as this collection of sexy studs splash about the various pools, beaches and baths of the world in this edition of Wet Wednesday.  There is additional wonderful wetness to be found in the Hottie of the Day! over on my tumblr.  Thanks for sharing your day with me, see you again soon.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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1 comment:

Bailey;-) said...

Keeping y'all in our thoughts. If you need anything we can help with, let me know. **huggz**