Monday, April 14, 2014

Not Everyone In Mississippi Is Stuck In The Mud!

You all are probably aware by now of the passage of Senate Bill 2681 recently in Mississippi which basically gave businesses the right to legally discriminate against anyone (specifically LGBT people) as long as deeply held religious convictions are cited as the reason for said discrimination.  Thankfully not everyone in Mississippi is on board the hate train as evidenced by a new campaign which was begun due to opposition to SB2681.  The Clarion Ledger reports on the campaign in this story:

If You're Buying, We're Selling started in the commercial district of Jackson's Fondren neighborhood last week, and has since spread statewide. The campaign is built around opposition to Senate Bill 2681, which proponents claim would only raise the burden government has to meet before denying someone's right to practice their religious beliefs...

...Eddie Outlaw, who owns William Wallace Salon and Fondren Barber Shop, was part of the creative team behind If You're Buying, with Mitchell Moore, who owns Campbell's Bakery in Fondren.

"A lot of us were trying to counter the negative stuff from outside Mississippi," Outlaw said, referring to the national coverage 2681 got while it circulated the Capitol. "We wanted to let people know – not just the LGBT community but the progressive community as a whole – that this doesn't represent everybody here."

It is good to know that not everyone in Mississippi is neanderthal in their thinking.  Let's hope 'If You're Buying...'  catches fire statewide.  The sticker for the front windows of businesses is being produced by and can be obtrained from Equality Mississippi.  

This week, Monday With Mozart features his Divertimento for String Trio in E Flat Major, K563.  Your performance today is by an all star cast with Isaac Stern on Violin, Pinchas Zukerman on Viola and Leonard Rose on Cello.  You may also hear Mozart's Piano Concerto Number 20 in D Minor over on my tumblr. 

Then to start your week off on a beautiful note, on display belwo the video is this week's collection of hunks and hotties attired in the best Monday's Undies for your visual appreciation along with your Hottie of the Day! over on my tumblr.  Thanks for starting your week here at Nichevo, see you again  soon.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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