Thursday, June 13, 2013

Joy and Peace

Next month marks 4 years since I had my TIA (a small stroke),  I would have to say the intervening years between that point and today have been a nightmare series of events that served to demean and demoralize me.  I suffered through wage cuts, limited hours, denigration and discrimination, subtle homophobia, sexual harassment and verbal abuse such that I got to the point where I felt stuck in a losing situation with no possibility of escape and that there would never be a brighter day in my future.  The culmination of events that resulted in the challenge that I could not find another job and was too old and useless for anyone to hire me somehow managed to motivate me to prove the naysayers wrong and propel myself into a brighter future.  I feel vindicated and victorious after so many years of being thought I was less than those of my co-workers who were not old, white and Gay.  The events of this week has restored hope to my life when I thought there would never be any hope again.  

I am working different hours at the new store than I was at the old, so my body clock is slightly awry at the moment, yet as I sit here reflecting on this weeks extraordinary events, I find myself decompressing from the severe overdose of stress.  As the stress pours out of my body, my spirit is at peace and I feel a quiet joy that suffuses my being with such a warm inner glow that I find it hard to describe just exactly how I feel.  The physical ramifications of mental stress are now readily apparent to me now that the stress has vacated its iron grip on my mind.  I really don't know how you guys have put up with the wildly erratic ramblings of a stressed out mind, but I am ever so grateful that you all have never abandoned Nichevo as useless or irrelevant.  I know it must have been difficult for you to try and decipher what exactly was taking place in my mind or how even with all that was happening around me, I still found time and energy to try to inform, entertain and titillate you with my daily posts.  Hopefully the sharing of my love of classical music and my appreciation of the art that is found in the male form as well as my opinions and impressions of the many different events of the past four years has been as rewarding for you as it has been for me.  I don't think I could have kept it together (if indeed I had) if it were not for the catharsis of sharing my life in these pages.  So I thank all of you, my loyal readers from around the world, for sticking with me for all these years.  Your are a very real part of the joy and peace that I am experiencing at this moment.  God Bless You All.  

For your Thursday Musical Reprise, I have

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