Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Whole Lotta Nuthin' Goin' On

I am feeling kinda bushed today, and there really does not seem to be much going on in the world of the earth shattering variety.  Most of the news items are still rattling around in astonishment about the Regnerus NFSS and how it was so obviously a bought and paid for sham by those on the far right with an definite anti-Gay agenda.  I put my two cents in yesterday, so there really isn't too much more I can say that has not already been said.  So I guess I will just proceed to the music and the men as they are infinitely more interesting than anything else I can think of to talk about.

Your Musical Moment for Tuesday is a compendium of Italian Baroque pieces by a variety of composers and eloquently performed by Europa Galante and Fabio Biondi from their CD Invenzioni e Stravaganze.  The composers include Carlo Farina, Marco Uccellini, Giovanni Lagrenzi, Giovanni Battista Mazzaferata, Giovanni Battista Vitali, Andrea Falconieri, Biagio Marini and Salomone Rossi.  The complete play list can be found here.

Then I have a terrific lineup of Temptations for your Tuesday that cover a wide range of types from sultry to sexy, shy to sassy and some that are just fucking adorablr and almost too cute for their own good.  So you should have a fun cruise and peruse down the page.  Thanks for spending a little time with me today, maybe something exciting will happen between now and tomorrow to give me a little more to talk about.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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