Monday, March 11, 2013

NFSS Exposed as Fraudulent

Before I get into today's topic of conversation, I would like to mention a new source for desktop wallpapers that Will turned me on to.  It is a site called which seem to have an almost endless supply of all sorts of wallpaper for your computer's desktop.  You can customize your search parameters to your display's resolution or take random selections or search by tag from their cloud format tag list.  I will be sharing some of the more fascinating ones that I have found starting with the one at the top of this post which is the one I am currently using as my desktop wallpaper.  The site is frequently updated and what is there today may not be there tomorrow, so a daily visit to add to your collection may be something you would like to do.  Once you have built a list of wallpapers, click on the selected counter at the top of the page and it will download a zip file to your computer which you can then extract to the folder of your choice.  Have fun exploring all the various options available to you at this most enjoyable site.  

In an article posted Sunday at the Huffington Post, the recent New Family Structures Survey by University of Texas Associate Sociology Professor Mark Regnerus was thoroughly debunked with documents acquired through the public records requests by The American Independent and published in collaboration with the Huffington Post.  These public records show that the conclusions drawn by this so called 'study' were predetermined before the data was gathered by the arch conservative organizations who are opposed to marriage equality who financed this sham study.  The purpose of the NFSS was and is designed to manipulate public policy, specifically any decision rendered by SCOTUS in the cases before it regarding Marriage Equality.  After the results were determined, then data was gathered and distorted to 'prove' the desired results.  As is the case with most of our opponents in this matter, reason and logic do not have the least bit of an effect on them or their vociferous blathering of lies, distortions and outlandish accusations spewed forth in the name of protecting the institution of marriage and religious freedom.  I will not reiterate all that is in the article as you can read that for yourselves, however I will state that our well funded adversaries have been exposed for the bigoted, lying assholes that they are.  Most of them claim to be doing the work of God and spreading the 'love of Jesus' to us heathen sinners.  I am afraid they will find when their time to approach the pearly gates comes, Jesus will say unto them "I know ye not" and they will be cast into whatever hell they most deserve.  Are you listening to me Tony Perkins, Peter Sprigg, Maggie Galagher, et al?  Repent and be saved or carry on as you currently are and be damned by your own tongues. 

For your Monday Musical Moment, I have an all star live performance of the Piano Quintet in A Major, 'The Trout' by Franz Schubert.  Performing are Daniel Berenboim on Piano, Itzhak Perlman on Violin, Pinchas Zukerman on Viola, Jacqueline Du Pre on Cello and Zubin Mehta on Bass.  I would be hard pressed to find a more stellar cast for a Piano Quintet than this one.  

Then for your visual appreciation I have a marvelous selection of muscly men in their Monday's Undies lounging about the page below the video.  Thanks for choosing to spend part of your Monday with me, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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