Friday, March 15, 2013

Techie Things

Ah, Google, home of both innovation and frustration.  Google has announced that Google Reader is shutting down and will no longer be available after July 1, 2013.  If you use Google Reader to get the RSS feed from Nichevo or a desktop reader such as Feed Demon (what I use) that syncs with Google Reader, then you will need to export your subscriptions from Google Reader and import them to your desktop or cloud based reader.  The article linked above will tell you how to do it easily and list Life Hackers recommended readers of which Feed Demon is the number one desktop application.  I have already disassociated my Google Reader account from my Feed Demon so I am all set for GR's demise, how about you?

Will is convinced that I put up with entirely too many frustrating moments when my Google products have their little bitch fights between them.  This is usually concerning uploading photographs in some way or another and Blogger and Picasa3 often get at crossed swords with one another.  Will thinks I should investigate migrating Nichevo to Tumblr, which I have agreed to look into.  I do not know if I will migrate, but I am somewhat frustrated that I have had enumerable occasions when I had to find a way to work around one of their little spats for x number of days,  weeks or months until that too does not work and I have to figure something else out.  So I will look into Tumblr and will make an appropriate decision which I will announce here.  I will provide the necessary linkage so you will not miss a post if I do migrate.  Stay tuned for further updates on this important decision.  

Your Musical Moment for Friday is Concerti per Violino "Per Pisendel" by Antonio Vivaldi with the performance by Il Pomo d'Oro conducted by Dimitry Sinkovsky from the CD by the same name.  The play list includes Concerti per Violino "Per Pisendel" I. Concerto for Violin, Strings and B.C. in C major RV 177 0:08, I. Concerto for Violin, Strings and B.C. in D major RV 212a 12:55, III. Concerto for Violin, Strings and B.C. in d minor RV 246 27:12, IV. Concerto "Per Pisendel" for Violin, Strings and B.C. in RV 370 35:57, V. Concerto "Per Pisendel" for Violin, Strings and B.C. in d minor RV 242, Op.VIII/7 48:15, VI. Concerto for Violin, Strings and B.C. in B flat major RV 379 Op. XII/5 57:57 and VII. Concerto "Per Pisendel" for Violin, Strings and B.C. in g minor RV 328 1:07:33.

Then as is traditional on Fridays at Nichevo I have an uber sexy collection of rather fit young men who are Naked or Nearly So to inspire all manner of lascivious thoughts heading into your weekend and mine.  Thanks for spending part of your Friday here at Nichevo, see you over the weekend for this week's review of the Best of the Web This Week.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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