Saturday, March 16, 2013

Best of the Web This Week

It was another great week for gathering photographs where I managed to grab over 1100 to sift and sort through to find the finest for your inspection today.  The selection process elicited 92 works of art which are dutifully displayed below.  They cover a  broad range of 'types' and there should be something there for just about anyone who is an aficionado of  fine photography of the male form.  I did develop a site over at Tumblr, which is much more simplistic in its execution and the options are not as numerous as here at Blogger.  However, I will continue the experiment and will do some cross posting with perhaps some unique posts over there just for the sake of experimentation.  You can find Uncle Gerry and Nichevo @ Tumblr by clicking on the link.  Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments here or the notes over at Tumblr.

Will is of the opinion that the Saturday Soundtrack I have been posting are much too long for the average listener.  I do not necessarily agree with him, but due to play time restrictions over at my new experiment at Tumblr, I decided to just go with a more normal Musical Moment to share with you today.  Your Musical Moment then for Saturday is a set of Violin Concerti, Volume I by French Baroque composer Jean-Marie LeLeclair with the performance by Collegium Musicum 90 featuring  Simon Standage on Solo Violin and Conducting from their CD.  The play list includes Concerti in D Major, Opus 7, Number 2 and 5 in A Minor; also Concerti in B Flat Major, Opus 10 Number 1 and 5 in E Minor.  Thanks for spending part of your weekend here at Nichevo, see you again on Monday.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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