Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Growing Chous of Support, An Inspiring Story, Music and Men

I have been napping quietly at the keyboard for the last couple of hours, so I am a little bit behind in my daily routine and my payday chores/errands.  But frankly, I don't care at the moment.  I suppose I needed the rest as I have not been sleeping consistently or easily here of late, so it is just as well that I got some rest as I do have to work tonight as well as complete my chores/errands.  That being said, their is still some moving and shaking going on in the news and sports worlds I thought I would point out to you today.  

In Marriage Equality news, Colorado's Governor John Hickenklooper has announced he will sign the recently passed Civil Unions bill into law today in an afternoon ceremony near the State Capital in Denver.  This comes just one year after the measure was blocked by legislative Republicans before they were voted out of office in the last election.  It is also a turnaround as Marriage Equality was banned by law in Colorado in 2006.  Congratulations Colorado!

Also today, the Rhode Island Senate is set to hold what is hoped to be the last legislative hearing before the lawmakers vote on whether or not to join the rest of their New England neighbors in allowing Marriage Equality.  Opponents plan to push for a referendum that would put the question to a vote of the people.  The referendum proposal also provides a provision that would allow businesses like florists and caterers to refuse to service Gay weddings without any recourse for the couples refused service.  The Rhode Island House has already passed the measure to allow Marriage Equality and today's hearing is the first step in bringing the measure to the Senate floor for a vote.

Also today, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the nation's largest and most influential of such groups, announced their support for Marriage Equality as well as support for full adoption and foster care rights for all parents regardless of sexual orientation.  Part of their statement reads: “Children thrive in families that are stable and that provide permanent security, and the way we do that is through marriage,” said Benjamin Siegel, MD, FAAP, chair of the AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health, and a co-author of the policy statement. “The AAP believes there should be equal opportunity for every couple to access the economic stability and federal supports provided to married couples to raise children.".  Their voice joins the growing chorus of supporters of Marriage Equality in the fun up to the SCOTUS hearings.  

The world of sport also provides some good news for Marriage Equality as UFC's Rashad Evans has signed onto the Amicus Brief filed by Chris Kluwe and Brendon Ayanbedejo.  His statement of support reads in part: “I'm a UFC fighter, a macho-type sport. I am a heterosexual guy in a tough macho sport, which is exactly the reason I feel a duty to say I support gay marriage and gay rights.  I have nothing to gain personally from supporting this issue, and that's the point. Society as a whole is better when there is equality, and I want to live in a country where everyone has the same rights because we all benefit from that."  Very well said indeed as his voice also joins our growing chorus of support.   

While I was at the OutSport's new SBNation website I also read this fascinating story by Cyd Ziegler: Becoming a Man, a Gay Athletes Journey.  The story tells about Jarred Kennedy-Loving who overcame 22 foster homes to become a successful gay runner at Bowdoin College in Maine, where he explores his racial and gender roles in a 'laxbro' culture.  This is a story you really don't want to miss as it tells the story of another successful Gay youth who triumphed over a world that was dead set against his survival much less his success.  Read and be inspired as I was. 

Your Musical Moment for today features the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with his Serenade (Gran Partita) in B Flat Major, K361.  Today's performance is by Collegium Musicum, Copenhagen conducted by Michael Schønwandt.  Your Musical Moment is followed by this week's salute to denim dynamite with this collection of magnificent Men in Jeans.  Thanks for spending part of your day here at Nichevo.  Be sure to join me tomorrow when we celebrate the beauty of art in the male form with this  week's edition of Naked or Nearly So.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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