Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Equality Progresses

Two things happened yesterday that are very good for LGBT folks.  In Phoenix, the City Council passed a LGBT inclusive anti-discrimination ordinance that covers housing, employment and public accommodations.  The new measure bans discrimination not only on the basis of sexual orientation but also gender identity or expression.  Phoenix joins 166 other cities across the nation which now protect its LGBT citizens from discrimination.  In Illinois, the House Executive Committee last night advanced SB-10, or the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act, passed by the Senate last week, in a 6-5 vote.  The bill now moves to the full House for a vote.  If it passes the House vote and moves on to the Governor's Desk, Governor Pat Quinn has said he will sign it into law.  We may soon be able to add Illinois the the ranks of those states where Marriage Equality is legal.  Equality is progressing step by step, let's keep on taking the next step!

Your Midweek Musical Moment continues the first symphony theme of the week with today's selection of Symphony Number 1 G Minor, 'Winter Daydreams" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.  Today's performance is by the

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