Friday, November 02, 2012

The Genius of Beethoven, Part 3

Happy Friday, everyone!  You guys are glad that it is Friday as it is the end of the work week for most of you and the portal to the weekend.  For me it is the last day of freedom before girding myself to withstand the onslaught of drunkenness and sloth on Saturday night.  I am feeling much better today, although at the first hint of sniffles or congestion, I drink down another dose of Tylenol Multi-Symptom Severe liquid cold medicine.  So far that has kept me upright and functioning the last couple of days without feeling much misery.  I will probably take a bottle to work with me tomorrow night to ensure I make it through the night unscathed by cold miseries.  There is nothing worse than dealing with belligerent drunks or severe stupidity when you feel absolutely crappy.  Those folks should be very glad I am not allowed to carry a gun, or else they might end up paying a really high price for pissing me off (just kidding!).  In any case, let's concentrate on the good stuff and not think about work for now. 

In The Genius of Beethoven, Part 3, 'Faith and Fury', Charles Hazelwood takes us on a exploration of Beethoven's later years.  Elemental in the turbulence of Beethoven's life is the protracted custody battle with his sister-in-law for the rights to his nephew Carl after the death of his brother as well as his descent into almost total deafness.  His dogged adherence to a strict and highly religious moral code provided much of the impetus for the intransigence those surrounding him experienced.  Yet for all the turbulence and and the increased isolation caused by his deafness, Beethoven created some of his greatest masterworks for both the religious world with his Missa Solemnis and the more secular world with his monumental Symphony Number 9 in D Minor, Opus 125 with its rapturous 'Ode to Joy', which was was to be the last of his symphonic  compositions.  Join me as we explore the last chapters of the life of Beethoven along with Charles Hazelwood:

And what would Friday be here at Nichevo without a few beautiful bodies in the buff with which to whet your appetite for the pleasures of the weekend.  In this week's edition of Naked or Nearly So, I sought to convey the implied rather than the explicit sensuality found in these photographs.  Surely I do have lots of explicit photographs, however, it is often times much more highly erotic (at least to me) for there to be the hint of mystery, of something left to be discovered.  The suggestion of sensuality plays into the mental element of the sexual experience which is probably a whole lot more involved in the whole process than most guys will admit.  However, in the photographs to follow, you will find not only the suggestion of sensuality or sexual power, but also hints to the personalities of the models that a great photographer somehow captures through his lens.  That's it for today, be sure to stop in over the weekend to see what I have discovered in my web wanderings that I deem to be worthy of the Best of the Web This Week.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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