Monday, October 01, 2012

Midnight Madness, News and Views You Can Use

Welcome to October, I hope you like the new guys up top of the blog.  Today is also the first day of LGBT History Month and if you will check the bottom of the blog there will be a short video highlighting one of the 31 LGBT Icons each day.  Click on the link for more info and ideas on how you can participate or simply inform yourself on our history.  As this is the first day of the month, Midnight Madness struck early and often at the store last night when everyone receiving government assistance showed up to grab their cash from the ATM at the store.  They ran my ATM completely out of money by 2 AM which resulted in a great deal of chagrin if not down right anger among the restless natives of the neighborhood.  We discovered this when it began spitting out receipts saying money had been dispensed when no cash came forth from the mouth of the machine.  Try explaining how that happened to a mentally unstable populace who did not understand why they had to call the 800 number on the machine and that there was no way for me to give them their money.  Fun And Games, Not!!  Somehow we managed to muddle through, getting to the end of the shift only to find that some less than competent person had royally fucked up the lotto counts in the computer so badly that I could not enter my own without further fucking it up.  Rather than confuse the situation, I left word for the boss to take a look at it and see if he could straighten it out. 

In the news over the weekend, California made a little LGBT history when Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1172 into law banning administering the quackery of reparative therapy  on minors.  Every state should pass a similar law so all our LGBT youth would be spared the misery of this misguided pseudo-science practiced by nut jobs and bigoted "professional counselors".  Also in a beautifully written opinion piece, Barbara Weicksel of Barb's Gift of Gab blog, talks about the plight of our homeless youth in"The face of 'modern slavery' looks a lot like us".  This is a definite must read that will hit home, especially to  those of us who have been there and done that. Then over at the Out of Bounds blog at SB Nation there is a excellent profile on soccer player David Testo who came out after playing 20 years of professional soccer.  Now that you have your reading 'assignments', there will be  a test on Friday to see what you retained, just kidding!!

For your musical appreciation today I was going to post a symphony but after the night I had, I figured I owed myself some mellow cello.  So I dug up a past play list that has performances by Stephane Tetreault at the XIV Tchaikovsky International Competition in Moscow, Russia. Selections include Caprice Number 7 by Carlo Alfredo Piatti; Tchaikovsky's Pezzo Cappriccioso, Opus 62; Sonata for Solo Cello, Opus 25, Number 3 by Paul Hindemuth; Sonata for Cello and Piano in D Minor by Claude DeBussy with Pianist Natalia Ardasheva; and finally Suite Number 5 in C Minor, BWV 1011 by Johann Sebastian Bach.  Then to visually appease your appetite for scorching hot hunks clad (mostly, anyway) in skimpy bits of underwear, there are thirty excellent photos of muscular men in their Monday's Undies.  That should put a wrap on Monday.  Thanks for stopping by, we will see you tomorrow!  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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