Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This and That

It was excruciatingly slow at the store last night or maybe it just seemed that way with all the kids back in school and not running around half the night.  Tonight, however, is truck night and that means because we will have lots of work to do around the store, we will be besieged with customers doing their best to impede any progress.  That is the way it seems to work in retail, if all your work is caught up, you can't buy a customer for love or money.  If you have things to do, then you will have more customers than you can shake a stick at.  I should talk to Mr Murphy about that law of his, lol.  At least the first shift has gotten fairly consistent at arriving on time, so I am not left wondering when they are going to show up half the time.  I guess I should be grateful for that after so many years of waiting on them day after day. 

I am getting behind on reading my feeds again, although I am only a 100 or so behind so far.  Not like last week when I had over a 1000 articles back logged by the time Wednesday rolled around.  Anyway, I will try to catch them up today to see if there is anything worthy of expounding upon on the morrow.  For today, I have a video of Symphony Number 1 in B Minor (1941) by Wilhelm Furtwangler performed by the Czecho- Slovak State Symphony Orchestra conducted by Alfred Walter.  Furtwangler actually wrote a symphony earlier than this one, however, his Unnumbered Symphony in D Minor (1903) is just that, unnumbered and this is its successor and his official Symphony Number 1.  Then on display after the video is the return of theme I have used in the past, Tuesday's Temptations, which has a number of tongue tingling, tempting torsos that may or may not fit in another thematic category.  However, they are sure to catch your eye and inspire your desire as you longingly linger over them while scrolling down the page at your leisure.  Thanks for stopping by, we will see you here tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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