Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Hump Day

Well I survived truck night, but I had to work my ass off to do it.  My co-worker pulled a no show so the boss man's brother came in to help me out. It took both of us working our ass off to get it done and get the store at least presentable for today's business.  As a result, I am just plumb tuckered out this morning and not feeling very loquacious.  So I just leave you with the music and the men to help you over the hump and get started towards the weekend.  Musically, I have a live recording of a Radio Petersberg broadcast from October 1961 featuring  Emil Gilels performing at the Grand Hall of The Leningrad Philharmonic.  The program includes the Piano Sonata in F Sharp Minor by Robert Schumann, Piano Sonata Number 2, Opus 35 by Frederic Chopin and the Piano Sonata in B Minor by Franz Liszt.  These romantic Piano  Sonatas are the perfect accompaniment for viewing today's collection of Humpable Hunks on display below the video.  Thanks for the visit, see you tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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