Tuesday, September 04, 2012

DNC, NFL, Live Music, & Sexy Studs in Swimwear!

Welcome back to the workday world for Monday on Tuesday.  It should be a great news week with the DNC kicking off today and the NFL season kicking off with the Cowboys and the Giants tomorrow night.  I worked all weekend with the full moon doing what it does best which is encourage the less than lucid and the drunks and druggies to howl at it all weekend long.  Believe me the weirdos were out in full force for the whole weekend.  I am so glad we got that out of the way and maybe we can settle into something more normal now.  Of course normal is relative, but I will settle for less than howling mad for now.  I worked late this morning, however I knew ahead of time I was going to have to do so, therefore I did my homework by getting the music and the men ready last night so I would not be so rushed this morning.  I think you will like what I have in store for you today.  Starting with today's play list which is a Live HD recording of The Sunday Morning Concert from the famed Concertgebouw in Amsterdam recorded on September 2, 2012. The Limburgs Symphony Orchestra of Maastricht, Netherlands performs The Peer Gynt Suite Number 1 and the Piano Concerto, Opus 16 by Edvard Grieg. Guest Piano Soloist is Hannes Minnaar, an fast rising star on the world stage and the Conductor is Otto Tausk.  While listening raptly to the concert, you will find a goodly selection of half naked hunks cavorting about the beaches and pools of the world in this week's edition of Sexy Studs in Swimwear for your visual edification.  Tomorrow is Hump Day already so we are already rapidly closing in on another weekend.  My, my, doesn't time fly when we are having fun?  Thanks for the visit, see you again on the morrow.  Until next time as always. Enjoy!

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