Thursday, September 13, 2012

Catching Up

It was a quiet and peaceful night around here with much time devoted to either napping to catch up on my rest or clearing my feed reader of its backlog of articles to be read.  At the start of the evening, I had over 1000 articles clogging my reader and with due diligent effort over the course of many hours, I have managed to clear them all out.  Now that I have caught up on that, I have lists to make and chores and errands to accomplish as this is Thursday, and Pay Day with all that it normally entails.  I guess there really is no rest for the wicked, eh?  Even with all the various things keeping me busy, I have managed to line up some more great stuff for your entertainment today.  Continuing our exploration of the music of Joachim Raff, we delve into yet another musical form in which he composed most prolifically.  Today's play list pays tribute to nature and her rhythms.  Antonio Vivaldi was not the only composer to write music descriptive of the four seasons. While Vivaldi wrote his 'Four Seasons' using the concerto form, Joachim Raff wrote his seasonal descriptive music in the symphonic form. Forthwith, Symphonies Numbers 8 in A Major, Opus 205, Sounds of Spring; 9 in E Minor, Opus 208, In The Summer; 10 in F Minor, Opus 213, In Autumn; and 11 in A Minor, Opus 218, The Winter are presented here for your aural appreciation. The symphonies all feature performances by the Bamburg Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Hans Stadlmair.  The play list runs about two hours and will provide you with a musical trip through nature's landscapes and weather patterns.  Like the play list, today's collection of muscular men are displayed in their natural element which is common to most modern men in that most of us prefer a well worn pair of jeans to more restrictive or formal attire.  I dare say you will definitely appreciate this collection of Men In Jeans as you scroll down the page.  Thanks fo the visit, see you again tomorrow.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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