Friday, September 14, 2012

Relaxation and Preparation

After completing my Pay Day ritual of chores and errands, I entered full relax mode and have remained there, passing the night with reading, gentle conversations and a nap or two.  I know it does not sound too exciting, but it sure has restored my energies as I wend my way through my weekend preparing once again for more adventures with the denizens of the night that frequent my store on a nightly basis.  In between all my relaxing activities I have managed to put together a rather interesting package for your entertainment today.  In today's play list, we return to Joachim Raff's Chamber Music compositions as we present a Quartet of Piano Trios written between 1864 and 1871. Trio Number 1 C Minor, Opus 102 is performed by Trio Nota Bene; Trios Numbers 2 in G Major, Opus112; 3 in A Minor, Opus 155; and 4 in D Major, Opus 158 are performed by Trio Opus 8.  We will conclude our exploration of Raff's musical mastery tomorrow with two excellent selections that reveal a lot about his love the country, culture and heritage of the German people and the beauty and majesty of land of his birth and childhood, Switzerland.  To complete today's post, I have pulled together another collection of unblemished male pulchritude as they pose in the altogether in this week's edition of Naked or Nearly So.  Thanks for the visit, be sure to stop by over the weekend for the conclusion of our exploration of Joachim Raff's music and the photographic review of the Best of the Web This Week.  Until next time as always, Enjoy!

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